How Much Does a Counselor Make Yearly?

Question by Moon: How much does a counselor make yearly?
I’m really into psychology and I’ve been trying to google how much a counselor makes a year. I know there are a bunch of different counselors and I kind of want to be either a family counselor, a counselor at a hospital, or maybe one at a rehab place. I just want to more, thank-you in advance!

Best answer:

Answer by Smith Mari
Substance Abuse and Behavioral Disorder Counselors

Substance abuse counselors work with people who are recovering from drug and alcohol addiction, and behavioral disorder counselors work with people with a range of behavioral disorders. They can work in mental health agencies, rehab centers, hospitals or any place that treats these kinds of problems. On average, substance abuse and behavioral disorder counselors earn $ 34,000, as of 2008, which means most make between $ 27,330 and $ 42,650, but some may earn more than $ 50,000.

Educational, Vocational and School Counselors

Educational, vocational and school counselors work in educational institutions. They help students and their families with problems, but they also help counsel students through the academic progress, helping them make schedules, chose classes and apply for colleges. The average school counselor makes $ 47,500 per year. Of the counselor salaries reported in this category, the highest earners made more than $ 75,000.

Marriage and Family Therapists

Marriage and family therapists work in specialized nonprofit organizations, social service organizations or private practices. The work is exceptionally varied, ranging from helping couples deal with domestic violence to helping children with behavioral disorders, to counseling a family through a death or divorce. Most make between $ 33,000 and $ 55,000.

Mental Health Counselors

Mental health counselors help people suffering from a very broad spectrum of mental illnesses. They create treatment plans, help evaluate the effectiveness of medication and counsel people through emotional disorders, addiction, stress and even suicide attempts. For their services, most are paid between $ 27,000 and $ 45,000. The highest paying salaries come from hospitals and government agencies.

Rehabilitation Counselors

Rehabilitation counselors assess people with disabilities or injuries to determine what or how much functioning they have, and help the individual find a job or relearn skills needed at home. These counselors work with the client and the client’s family, employer, school or residential facility to help the client’s transition and be successful at using vocational and life skills. Most make between $ 23,000 and $ 39,000. Residential care facilities pay the least, while hospitals and government agencies pay the highest.

The Highest Wages

The highest wages overall, in any group, were the counselors who either worked for the government, had their own practices or participated in a group counseling practice.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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