Are All Massachusetts Gov. Officials Controled by Mafia Child Abusers?

Question by : Are all Massachusetts Gov. Officials controled by mafia child abusers?
Does anyone know a politician in Massachusetts that is not controledf by the child molesting, child abusing, rapist, murderering torturing Italian Mafia, because unless you are a criminal the Attorney General, the Governors Office, Senators and House Representives do not want to go against their own kind that have turned corrupt???? They give child molesters and mafia people parole, but if a guy sells drugs they deny them parole, or if a guy changes his life in prison to good they still seny him parole and let the mafia child abusers out? Are their any honest politicians out there???????

Best answer:

Answer by JRHRLH
You know all of this to be fact? I rather doubt it.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Prescription Opiates have changed teenage drug use in last 20 years – Many parents are not aware of how much has changed from in the “drug scene” since they were in high school and college. Today powerful opiates–which heroin is derived from–are available in pill form and because they are prescribed by a doctor, many teens and young adults therefore think they are safe to take and enjoy. As Dr. John Kelly of Massachusetts General Hospital tells Norfolk District Attorney Michael Morrissey, they are highly addictive and deadly.


Teach Kids That Drug Use Has Harsh Worldwide Impact

Filed under: Drug Abuse Massachusetts

It's time for young Americans, who feel a moral obligation to those who live in poverty and oppression around the world, to understand the role that American drug use plays in creating violence and desperation in many countries. It's time to draw a …


Newly Appointed Mass. Inspector General is from Brookline

Filed under: Drug Abuse Massachusetts

As an Assistant District Attorney, he prosecuted serious cases from violent assaults involving children to firearm possession and drug distribution. He prosecuted child physical and sexual abuse cases, trying numerous Superior Court jury trials.