What Is Drug Rehab Like?
Question by irishfirefighter762: What is drug rehab like?
My to be x-wife is going for an intake interview at an inpatient rehab. What is rehab like? Will she be able to make phone calls? Dose it take long to find a bed? Do you usually go to a halfway house after? If you have any exspeances with this please let me know I just would like to know what she is headed in to.
Best answer:
Answer by JERDAWG
having contact with your wife is a earned privilege, finding a bed depends on the rehab center you use, the halfway house depends on how deep into the drugs your wife is, but there will be some type of after care that will be decided on by the counselor.
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449 Recovery Drug Rehab Center offers detox, group therapy and out patient drug rehab – Orange county based 449 Recovery drug & alcohol rehab center in San Clemente, CA offers outpatient group therapy, outpatient detox services, outpatient alcoh…