Sister in Law Smokes Crack?

Question by skinny chick: Sister in law smokes crack?
My sister in law has smoked crack for 20 years. She just came out from another drug rehab after being there for 30 days. She has been in 10 programs. She wants to leave NYC and come stay with me in North Carolina to get herself together. What should I do

Best answer:

Answer by Morning, P!
Make a life plan with her like you are an employer making a job description. “Wherever you go, there you are,” so.. she will find crack in N.C. but she will have to try to stay clean if she doesn’t want you to kick her out and send her back to NYC. Remember that an addiction is an issue of lust and lust (the flesh) is NEVER satisfied. Therefore, if she doesn’t deal with the REASON she is covering PAIN and then gets the LORD to heal her, not therapy alone… then she will remain a crackhead. Godspeed.

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