Drug Abuse Problem at Work Management Does Nothing?

Question by Risk D: Drug Abuse problem at work Management does nothing?
I work at a place with huge Drug Abuse problem. People walk out of the elevator smelling like weed. People come back from lunch obviously high and messed up. The top management knows about it and does nothing, They treat it like Joke. People are told I want you to come back way you left in a joking manner . What are my options here is there a some government agency I can go to report this problem to?

Best answer:

Answer by Gary
Just call your Sheriff’s hotline and do not give your name. Do not talk about it at work or any where.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



addiction hotline help – Calling an addiction hotline is one of the easiest ways to inquire about treatment options and locate rehabilitation facilities near you,G96dl1STU7. One of the treatment options recommended by the National Institute on Drug abuse is the inpatient treatment. This focuses on both the nature of the addiction and the residual problems that come with it. You can also ask about behavioral treatments, 12-step support programs and SMART recovery training. For more info Visit : addiction-hotline.com


Doctors to answer questions on chemical dependency, addiction treatment

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Wander and Jan Frederickson, an addiction substance abuse disorder counselor with the LDS Hospital Dayspring Treatment Center, will participate in the Deseret News/Intermountain Healthcare Health Hotline on Saturday, when they will answer questions …
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Prescription drug abuse becomes growing trend in Spokane

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The police department advises prescription drug abuse can also lead to heroin addiction when users search for a cheaper drug. Both addictions fuel property crimes, according to police. The Spokane Police Department encourages calls to the Drug Hotline …
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Officials encourage efforts to curb suicide

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