How Many Innocent American Lives Would Have to Be Taken by Mad Men and People Under Drug Influence?

Question by K2010: How many innocent American lives would have to be taken by mad men and people under drug influence?
before they are locked up in psych words for forced treatment or imprisoning. It is hard enough to get on in such institution against their will. But it is so WRONG. That has nothing to do with Constitution. We, the people have the right to walk free, to ride public transportation. Look what happen recently in NY. Maxim Gelman, a 23 y.o killed 4 people, wounded several on train. He has long history of drug addiction,

Best answer:

Answer by DN4CER
But, he was a proud member of the New York Democratic Party.

Isn’t that worth anything at all??

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Tampa Bay Addiction Treatment | Detox 813-400-1380 – Tampa Bay Addiction Treatment | Detox 813-400-13800 Breaking an addiction is not easy. First comes detox. Persevering thru cold sweats, headache, vomiting, nausea, disorientation and hallucination is just the beginning of a long road to recovery. At the Coleman Institute, we make that road manageable. We’ve developed a suite of innovative treatments which help people move on with their life. Since 1998, our revolutionary detoxification techniques have achieved a remarkable 98% success rate for over two thousand patients. Our programs are all completely done in an outpatient setting. They are safe, comfortable and affordable. Detox is usually finished in only three days. If you, a friend, or a loved one needs treatment from a drug or alcohol addiction, there is help, hope and healing. Contact The Coleman Institute today at 877-773-3869, or visit us on the web at Let us help you, or a loved one, succeed in taking the first step toward recovery and a drug-free life.


Quiet Doctor, Lavish Insider: A Parallel Life

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Federal regulators on Friday approved an Ariad Pharmaceuticals Inc. drug to treat two types of leukemia, giving the Cambridge company the green light more than three months ahead of schedule to sell the medicine in the United States. The once-daily …
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Newtown, Connecticut school tragedy: What if we all prayed to God?

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Churches, Synagogues and Mosques are led by people who feed the hungry, clothe the poor, shelter the homeless, comfort the grieving, help drug addicts recover, and give people near death a fighting chance to live. These people do this because God …
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