Boston Massachusetts News

Mental Heath Facilitate or a Rehab Program??

Question by irishfirefighter762: Mental heath facilitate or a rehab program??
My wife has abuse prescription pain killer and sleeping pills in the past. She says she is clean but her recant behaviors tell me differently. She is living at her mother now so I can’t confirm weather or not she is using them at night. She has been going to AA but things have not been getting better. The biggest problem we have is the lies she tells. She says she lies because of the fact that she doses not wont to disappoint me. Just the other day she went to lunch with a friend and told her that we are living together and that we have been trying to have a baby. I was able to find out from a mutual friend who knew what we had been going threw and was concerned. I feel like her realty and the rest of the world is to different things. She has agreed that she need more help with her life problems, she claims she has been clean from her pills for three months. I wont her to go to an in patient program. Would she be better off at a My wife has abuse prescription pain killer and sleeping pills in the past. She says she is clean but her recant behaviors tell me differently. She is living at her mother now so I can’t confirm weather or not she is using them at night. She has been going to AA but things have not been getting better. The biggest problem we have is the lies she tells. She says she lies because of the fact that she doses not wont to disappoint me. Just the other day she went to lunch with a friend and told her that we are living together and that we have been trying to have a baby. I was able to find out from a mutual friend who knew what we had been going threw and was concerned. I feel like her realty and the rest of the world is to different things. She has agreed that she need more help with her life problems, she claims she has been clean from her pills for three months. I wont her to go to an in patient program. Would she be better off at a mental heath facilitate or a rehab program??

How Can I Become Drug Free?

Question by : How can i become Drug Free?
I am having a bad habit of the drug addiction and i want to quit but how..please help me out

and can you explain this step )- Understand drugs and situations that may arise

Best answer:

Answer by ???!Meghan!???
omg its so funny that you asked this question (not funny like stupid but funny like coincidence)
because im on if you mean explain like what it means then, it means learn what drugs do to you and what they really are. i know i really didnt help that much but i hope i helped a little.\
good luck.

Free Drug Rehabilitation Centers in California/Nevada?

Question by J: Free drug rehabilitation centers in California/Nevada?
Hello – My family is having a hard time with my brother. He is currently living on a $ 500 month unemployment check. His girlfriend and him just broke up and he wants to move home with my parents. Unfortunately, he has been an alcoholic for the past 8 years of his life. My parent’s want to find a rehab center for him before he moves back home. He is 29 years old and drinks a 24 pack of beer every day. Please, my family doesn’t have any money to send him. Is there anywhere we can send him?

Former Historical Society Specialist Joins PBC Food Bank

Former historical society specialist joins PBC Food Bank

Filed under: drug rehab centers in florida

For information call Colleen Grear at 236-7198. *. Palm Beach Rotary Club — Andrew Rothermel, Florida market president for Hanley Treatment Centers, will speak at noon Thursday at The Chesterfield. The cost is $ 45. For information, call Colleen Grear …
Read more on Palm Beach Daily News


Leading Rick Scott Campaign Contributor Owned Abusive Rehab Centers

Filed under: drug rehab centers in florida

I Want to Join Scientology? but How?

Question by : I want to join Scientology? but how?

Best answer:

Answer by Judy
Don’t do it.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Seeking out Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers In Virginia 855 602 5102 – Call 1-855-602-5102 for Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers in Virginia Seeking o…


My Girlfriend Is Doing Drugs..doesn’t Stop. What Should I Do?

Question by Brayden.: my girlfriend is doing drugs..doesn’t stop. what should i do? girlfriend has been ina bad mood as we can say it for pas 2 days. it isn’t normal..but she’s constantly doing drugs. worse ones then smoking weed and drinking which i’m ok with. i really miss her..even though she’s there. i miss the girl i fell in love with..not the one on drugs and it hurts..cause she starts being mean and breaks my heart but i still love her more then anything. i just don’t know how to make her stop..i told her..never tell them. she said what? i said never tell our kids..their momi does drugs.i want to marry her..i’m buying a ring to propose to her. what can i do to make her stop without stupid ass rehab or anything and she just promised me right now..that she’ll stop.