Boston Massachusetts News

What Should I Say at an Alcohol/drug Evaluation to Avoid Rehab?

Question by Anonymous: What should I say at an alcohol/drug evaluation to avoid rehab?
I recently got in some legal trouble, not involving any drugs or alcohol, and now have to be on probation for a bit. I went to probation yesterday for the first time and met with a woman who asked about family history, alcohol/drug history, and such. I didn’t lie on anything, and told her I drink once a week with friends on the weekend, and just quit smoking marijuana a month ago. She now wants me to get an alcohol/drug evaluation and says they might require a rehab program for me! I, in now way, shape, or form need a rehab program, and really wish I would have just lied about it! What should I say at the evaluation in order to keep myself from having to enter a program?

How to Get Temporary Custody if Your Grandchild in the State of Utah?

Question by mollyjillene: how to get temporary custody if your grandchild in the state of utah?
My aunt is trying to get temporary custody of her grandchild; the mother is in a state funded drug rehab center and her son (my cousin) has a history of drug abuse. My aunt has the baby now but needs to get temporary custody for the time being. We live in Utah, can anyone help?

Best answer:

Are There Free Rehab Places for Drug Addicts?

Question by whattheheck: Are there free rehab places for drug addicts?
My brother is a pot head and an alcoholic he has nothing, no drivers license, nothing he owns thousands in back child support and the worst part is that he is one of the most talented people I know he sings like Elvis, writes his own songs, is artistic, but his substance abuse has made him an angry hateful person. I don’t know how I can help him. Please I need advice.

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Sister in Law Smokes Crack?

Question by skinny chick: Sister in law smokes crack?
My sister in law has smoked crack for 20 years. She just came out from another drug rehab after being there for 30 days. She has been in 10 programs. She wants to leave NYC and come stay with me in North Carolina to get herself together. What should I do

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Less Conflict at Home When Dad Quits Drinking

Less conflict at home when dad quits drinking

Filed under: drug rehab treatment- lowering the drinking age

After alcoholic men sought treatment for their addiction, conflict levels in their homes fell close to those of comparison families. 0 · Pin It. iStock … "Alcohol dependence, as well as its treatment, are complicated," said Daniel Rounsaville, lead …


What we can learn from American decline

Filed under: drug rehab treatment- lowering the drinking age

My Brother Is Cronic Drunkard ?

Question by Rishi: My brother is cronic drunkard ?
He starts drinking 7 am and drinks till he falls. He leaves home often. How can i help him

Best answer:

Answer by seppens
give him more beer!

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Alcohol Treatment Huntington Beach CA – In the coastal city of Huntington Beach, alcoholism and drug addiction are serious problems. More than a half …