Drug Rehab Options for Unemployed and No Income Addicts?

Question by m l: Drug rehab options for unemployed and no income addicts?
One of my friends since childhood is addicted to numerous substances and careening down a path of self destruction and co-dependence with an abusive man. I’ve suggested rehab to deal with her addictions and she seemed slightly receptive. However she cited lack of money as her main reason for not going to a rehab. She is 26, unemployed (she recently lost a job she had for only 2 weeks due to use), unmarried and located in MS. Her mother provides her with some funds to live on.
I have located some sites via searching but the information I’ve come across seems vague or phishy or not applicable to the state she resides in.
Thank you in advance.
Clarification: I need FREE assistance program information. I’m aware someone else could pay for it but there is no one in her life that can afford it (e.g. myself) or would be willing to (i.e. her family). Her parents have ample income but are not willing to help her. They are more or less cutting her off without first attempting to get her into treatment.

Best answer:

Answer by wizjp
Try the local AA branch. They generally know where the rehabs are available.

Also try patient services at the hospital.

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