How Can You Tell the Difference Between Addiction to Relationships or Addiction to the Person?

Question by megangorex: How can you tell the difference between addiction to relationships or addiction to the person?
I’m doing a project for school about addiction to relationships, and I’m going through a really hard break up right now. I almost think I might have an addiction to relationships, but I can’t tell if I’m addicted to the relationship or the person I was in one with. How can you tell?

Best answer:

Answer by dsayless
I think addiction to relationships refers to people who need to be in a relationship at all times, regardless of who it is with–they just can’t bear to be alone. Whereas addiction to a particular person is when a person is so hung up on one specific partner that they cannot see the world through their own eyes anymore, but filter everything through what they believe their partner’s like & dislikes to be.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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