How Do You Know if You Are a Bipolar?

Question by kingoftexas50: How do you know if you are a bipolar?
I have been researching recently about bipolar and im trying to figure out if I am. Im embarrassed to go to the doctor but I think I need treatment. I experience the ups and downs, spontanuies ideas and daily depressions, but how do you really know before you can trust a doctor?

Best answer:

Answer by rwl_is_taken
Symptoms of bipolar depression
Bipolar depression is more than having the blues. A person having a major depressive episode experiences extreme sadness or numbness almost all day, every day, for at least 2 weeks. They may also show a loss of interest in or enjoyment of their favorite activities.

In addition, the person shows signs of at least four of the following nearly every day:
Significant changes in appetite and/or weight (e.g., may crave specific foods or be unable to eat)
Sleep problems (e.g., may have insomnia or sleep too much)
Loss of energy or fatigue (e.g., may take much longer to do simple, everyday tasks)
Trouble concentrating (e.g., may have a hard time making decisions or focusing on work)
Slowed speech, thinking or body movements (e.g., may take a long time to answer a question)
Inappropriate feelings of guilt or worthlessness (e.g., may fixate on perceived failings)
Agitation or restlessness (e.g., may not be able to sit still)
Recurring thoughts of death or suicide (e.g., may have plans for how to commit suicide)
You can learn more about bipolar depression and bipolar disorder at

Symptoms of bipolar mania
Note: The following information is provided for your information purposes only. SYMBYAX is not approved for the treatment of bipolar mania.

The main feature of a manic episode is an excessively “high” mood (euphoria) or an abnormally irritable mood. The mood must last for a week or more (less time if the person has to go to the hospital). Along with the euphoria or irritability, a person has three or four of the following symptoms:
Inflated sense of self-importance (e.g., may have grandiose delusions or overestimate abilities and talents)
Decreased need for sleep (e.g., may go days without sleep and not feel tired)
Loud, rapid speech (e.g., may talk nonstop)
Racing thoughts (e.g., may abruptly jump from one subject to another)
Distractibility (e.g., may not be able to screen out irrelevant details)
Agitation or restlessness (e.g., may pace or hold multiple conversations at once)
Increase in goal-oriented activities (e.g., may have an increased sex drive or become excessively and inappropriately social)
Unwise involvement in pleasurable but potentially risky activities (e.g., may rack up significant debt, have sex with strangers, abuse drugs or make rash investment decisions)

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