If You Given a Chance to Fight Drug Addiction What Would Be Your Initial Step?

Question by arjay flores: If you given a chance to fight drug addiction what would be your initial step?
If you given a chance to fight drug addiction what would be your initial step?

Best answer:

Answer by Moving on
If I were addicted, which I am not.

The first step is always to admit you have a serious problem.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Drug Abuse, Mental Illness And Co-Occurring Disorders Video – Drug Use and Mental Health; Target Audience Statement: Primary target audiences for this program will include law enforcement officials, drug prevention specialists, Drug-Free Communities Act grantees, administrators, school drug counselors, treatment providers, drug court members, policy makers, business leaders, coalition volunteers, drug demand reduction coordinators, criminal justice professionals, members of the religious community and other community partners who may be interested. This program is also suitable for Public Access television distribution. Program Summary And Objectives: “Millions of American today receive health care for mental or substance-use problems and illnesses. These conditions are the leading cause of combined disability and death of women and the second highest of men.” “Improving the Quality of health Care for Mental and Substance-Use Conditions,” Institute of Medicine Report, November 1, 2005; Studies are showing an alarming trend, incidents of mental illness related to drug use are on the rise. It’s unclear what came first, did a predisposition to mental illness lead to drug use, or is it the other way around? No matter what, co-occurring disorders are a problem. Especially in the wake of this year’s hurricanes and other disasters, mental health and substance abuse professionals need to be poised to provide additional care for those suffering serious mental trauma and who may turn to alcohol and drugs as a result. During this hour-long


8 reasons addiction carries a stigma

Filed under: free drug addiction help

And while the government purports to view addiction as a disease, it often works in opposition to that position through the “War on Drugs,” which counts most drug users as criminals. Even those of us in the treatment community … Doctors were slow to …
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Rethinking our attitude to drugs

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We cannot expect our politicians to make enlightened changes unless voters show they understand that drug addiction and abuse are not solved by outlawing drugs. They are solved by helping people in need deal with underlying problems, and through …
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Reckless prescribing, lost lives

Filed under: free drug addiction help

He prescribed powerful painkillers to addicts who had no medical need for them, conducted sham examinations and appeared to be a key supplier for drug dealers, according to court records. He wrote more …. But Govs. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jerry …
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