Inmates to Get Addiction Treatment
Inmates to get addiction treatment
Filed under: addiction help
The treatment program will be offered, beginning Saturday, through a partnership between Lorain County Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services and the Lorain County Sheriff's Office. Thomas Stuber, chief operating officer of the drug abuse service, said the …
Read more on Chronicle-Telegram
Help for addictions is available
Filed under: addiction help
Whether you're a junkie or a drunk, it's still an addiction,” explained Nichols “The relative success of the A.A. program seems to be due to the fact that an alcoholic who no longer drinks has an exceptional faculty for 'reaching' and helping an …
Read more on Helena Daily World
Help, I'm addicted to Facebook and Twitter
Filed under: addiction help
Recent research by the University of North Carolina found that we get a jolt of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with addiction, whenever someone likes a post or retweets us. People who can't tear themselves away are now starting to seek help: …
Read more on Evening Standard
How I Got Help for my Gambling Problem — Gamblers Anonymous – For eight years, compulsive gambling devastated my life to the point where I had become hopeless. No matter how much I won or lost, I could not stop. I amassed huge debts and I wanted desperately to stop gambling, but on my own, I could not. But I found Gamblers Anonymous and the 12 Steps of Recovery, and, after surrendering to the fact that I am powerless over gambling and that my life had become unmanageable, I found hope. Through the people and tools GA offers, and through my willingness to listen and work at my own recovery, my life has gotten better. And I’ve not made a bet in 4 years! Help is available. Visit and find a meeting near you. Your life can get better! Just take that first step… PS The reason you don’t see my face on this video is because GA program guidelines request that we remain anonymous at the level of press, radio, films and television. It’s the message that counts — not the messenger. That said, feel free to contact me if you have questions or would like to find out more about the GA program or how it has helped me. Peace.
From Twitter:
When did I become one of those girls who has too many clothes to fit in her wardrobe?! I seriously have a shopping addiction atm.. help. – by LovesickDecoy (Anisa.)
From Twitter:
i am buying tons of phones cases off amazon.. #shit #addiction #help – by Haley_Joy7 (Haley ?)
From Twitter:
@DKarpelenia ahahaha I can not help this #addiction – by ChooseKy (ky choose)