Is There a Way to Get Around Paying for Inpatient Treatment?

Question by smarks85: Is there a way to get around paying for inpatient treatment?
I am wondering for my sister. She is 25 and barely has a job and doesn’t have health insurance. I think she has a serious drug problem. She knows she needs to go back to treatment but she’s so concerned about how to pay for it. Is there a way to check yourself in without paying a ton of money?

Best answer:

Answer by Nech
I assume you’re talking about inpatient rehab. Unfortunately the private rehab centers are very costly. You can try contacting a local county hospital which can treat her for a low cost although they have limited amount of beds and it is difficult to get accepted right away, she might need to wait for a bed.
Good luck!

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Inpatient Drug Rehab Centers | Substance Abuse Rehab Center | Inpatient Drug Rehab Centers – Inpatient Drug Rehab Centers has alcohol, drug, and pharmaceuticals treatment facilities located in Los Angeles, CA, along with detox, counseling, sober living facilities, and more. Call 877-281-6143 http


I-Team: Surge in heroin use prompts search for answers, solutions

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