My Mom Is on Drugs Should I Forgive Her?

Question by jerrica: my mom is on drugs should i forgive her?
ever since i was born my mom was on drugs but it wasnt that bad. over the years she started getting worse and worse on drugs and was doing crack and hard drugs like that. she would be gone for days at a time and sometimes even weeks and my dad (who was never on drugs) finally said enough is enough and took my sibling and i and moved to a different town when i was 8. he use to smoke but he quit because it made us sick but my mom would never stop doing drugs. i havent talked or seen my mom since i was 12 years old because i moved to michigan when i was 12. before we left we gave her our number and she never called for anything except when she wanted money she didnt even call my siblings and i for our birthday. after a few month she stopped calling. a year ago she started calling our phone wanting to talk to us (she got our number from my uncle) but none of my siblings and i wanted to talk to her. we are all grown and live in michigan and she lives in california and from what my uncle said she is even worse in drugs and wont go to rehab. i still have a lot of pain because she was not in my life. my question is: should i forgive my mom for what she done?
i am 19 and my mom have 4 kids all by my dad. i know my mom have a problem with drugs and i know drugs are addictive but i also don’t want someone who is on drugs in my life. and she never said sorry she just says she have a problem and everytime she calls my dad is the only one that would talk to her because knowone else wants to talk to her and then she ask him to send her some money which really makes me mad because she haven’t been there in our life and she don’t pay child support.

Best answer:

Answer by Jess
no u shouldn’t forgive her and how old r u?

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