Prescription Painkillers 'Like Loaded Guns' for Teens
Prescription painkillers 'like loaded guns' for teens
Filed under: teen drug abuse
(Source: Partnership for a Drug Free America); Nearly half (49 percent) of all college students either binge drink, use illicit drugs or misuse prescription drugs. (Source: Center for Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University); Every day 2 …
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Fairmount Center for the Arts' educational play "Legally Addicted" probes teen …
Filed under: teen drug abuse
legally addicted still BRIAN DEVER/SPECIAL TO SUN NEWSA shot from Fairmount Center of the Arts' education play "Legally Addicted" about prescription pill drug abuse. NOVELTY – An average of approximately four people die each day in Ohio due to drug …
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Free advice for parents about teen substance abuse tonight
Filed under: teen drug abuse
PROVIDENCE, R.I. — A free seminar intended to help parents talk to their children about drug and alcohol use will be at 6 p.m. tonight at the Providence Marriott Downtown, 1 Orms St. The panel includes Dr. John F. Kelly, an associate professor in …
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Teen Prescription Drug Abuse On the Rise – Clip thanks to Jason was a nationally ranked tennis player, a good student, well-groomed. His parents had no idea he was going to school and to practice walking right past their faces stoned on prescription drugs. “Modafinil, Percocets, Oxycontin, Xanax, Vicodin, Ritalin, Adderall,” he said, reeling off a list of just some of the drugs he tried since he began abusing drugs at age 13. Jay, now 17, said he had “black eyes” and “lost a lot of weight” and probably hadn’t showered in a month when he checked into The Right Step, a small drug and alcohol treatment clinic in Houston. At first, he didn’t want to be there. He is not alone. According to psychiatrist Donald Hauser, The Right Step’s medical director, pharmaceutical abuse is rampant among his young patients. “By far, the most common trend I think we’re seeing are sedative hypnotics, particularly Xanax ‘bars’ is what they call ’em and the opiates, the hydrocodone derivatives, the Vicodins, the Loracets,” Hauser said. “Almost every adolescent that comes in this program has used some of them.” National data support Hauser’s observations. Last year’s results of the Monitoring the Future study, an annual collaboration by the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the University of Michigan, found a 26 percent rise in teenage abuse of Oxycontin — a powerful opiate — since 2002. Overall, the number of teens abusing prescription drugs has tripled since 1992. There’s no shortage of ways that teens obtain …
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1/17 parents says their kid abused Rx meds;1/6 teens says they’ve taken a Rx drug @ least once in past yr @phillydotcom – by CaronTreatment (Caron Treatment)
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#Xocai #MLM #sjokogate, #sjokolademafia, #sjokoservice: Preventing Teen Prescription Drug Abuse In Saint Ge… – – by XocaiMXI (Xocai MXI)
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#Xocai #MLM #sjokogate, #sjokolademafia, #sjokoservice: Preventing Teen Prescription Drug Abuse In South Sa… – – by XocaiMXI (Xocai MXI)