Should We Thank C0nservative Stupidity for Romney the Pile of Mitt?

Question by Old School MC: Should we thank c0nservative stupidity for Romney the pile of Mitt?

Best answer:

Answer by StephenG

What do you think? Answer below!



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Bay City Roller Les McKeown wants to put band back together

Filed under: Drug Rehabs Massachusetts

The Bay City Rollers didn't get a lot of respect in their day, of course, as is typically the burden shouldered by youthful performers with a gift for engendering tearful delirium and mass fainting spells in throngs of teenage girls. … views the tour …
Read more on Toronto Star


Debate over HGH in the NFL continues with no end in sight

Filed under: Drug Rehabs Massachusetts

HGH increases lean muscle mass and can potentially help with rehab and recovery, which allows athletes to train harder. In years past … Miami Dolphins guard Richie Incognito praised the league's drug policy, saying players are rigorously tested. As …
Read more on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel


Star witness' story in Philadelphia sex abuse trials doesn't add up

Filed under: Drug Rehabs Massachusetts

Billy Doe is a 24-year-old former daily marijuana smoker, magic mushroom eater, LSD tripper and heroin addict who was kicked out of two high schools, has been arrested a half-dozen times as an adult for drugs and retail theft, and has been in and out …
Read more on National Catholic Reporter