Hanlon's K9 Dog Training Academy in Toms River, NJ to Be Honored at …
Hanlon's K9 Dog Training Academy in Toms River, NJ to Be Honored at …
Filed under: drug abuse foundation
… and Awards Dinner to both raise funds for the charity and honor local individuals and organizations that have made a difference in the community by providing assistance for individuals facing disability, homelessness, domestic abuse, drug addiction …
Read more on PR Web (press release)
Lee wants concert organisers to stress on drug abuse prevention
Filed under: drug abuse foundation
Solutions to Child Abuse?
Question by JessicaLauren;: Solutions to Child Abuse?
I am writing this ten page essay about Child Abuse. And my third chapter has to be my solution for it. I can’t really think of any solutions. There really is none. I mean, you can’t have the law living with you, making sure you don’t abuse your child. So, i have listed some preventions. But can anyone give me some feedback? It would be greatly appreciated. This is an intense topic. I just need some solutions. Please and thank you in advance. 🙂
I don’t need to know what to do AFTER the abuse. I need ways to prevent it BEFORE it happens.
See, this is where i am struggling. I can think of multiple ways to help after the abuse, but it is very hard to find ways to prevent it before abuse. I need some help. Anyone?
Need Help? Baby Sister on Heroin?
Question by Tecumseh: Need help? Baby sister on Heroin?
My baby sister just called me and told me that she is on heroin, she says that she has people after her and that she can not quit the drug on her own without becoming terribly ill. I know she needs my help and i am willing to take her children into my home while she goes to a rehab center, the only problem there is she doesn’t have any money, but i think she has a medical card, so is there a rehab center that anyone knows of near kentucky, ohio or indiana that will take in someone with a medical card? I don’t now what to do and really need some kind of advice.
p.s. does anyone know if any rehabs take people with medical cards?
medical card is like medicaid or medicare, whichever one isn’t for elderly people, the welfare one. and i would never turn my back on her, the reason she came to me is because i have battled my own addictions and she knows that because of that the last thing i would do is judge her. I still see her as my freckle face 7 year old stalker and would turn my back on her about the same time hell froze over.
Prescription Drugs Are Killing Twice as Many People via Overdose as Street Drugs
Question by bassdoc: Prescription drugs are killing twice as many people via overdose as street drugs
This is true in Miami, a city well known for illicit drugs, and certainly sure for the entire country probably at a higher rate.
What can we do to educate people that you cant drug yourself into health or happiness.
Heath Ledger is dead, and now they are question Mary Kate about where he got the drugs from. Should she be in prison.
Best answer:
Answer by “Big Guns Upstairs”
Goes to show that humans still find a way to kill themselves, no matter what you make illegal.
Does Drug Abuse Lead to Criminal Behavior? Explain Why?
Question by : Does drug abuse lead to criminal behavior? explain why?
Does drug abuse lead to criminal behavior? Please briefly explain what you think.
Best answer:
Answer by Anonymous
No, but the kind of people who indulge in drugs are usually predisposed towards crime.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
USTC360 No26 Paul’s story – Our feature story today is about Paul Sanguesa’s remarkable journey of moving on from his past in abusing alcohol and drugs. We have a special guest with us …
Relationship After Drug/alcohol Abuse?
Question by hopelesslydevoted: relationship after drug/alcohol abuse?
My boyfriend of almost 2 years began showing signs of a drinking problem about 6 months ago. He was arrested while drunk for disorderly conduct. After that, he stopped drinking so much, but began again during a visit with his family. He then really kicked his butt out of drinking. However, I recently found out that he traded his alcohol addiction for a meth addiction. He is now in jail after failing a drug test at a hospital b/c he was having feelings of paranoia and anxiety and thought it was a psychological problem–it’s not, it was part of his drug abuse. I’d love some advice on how to move on with my life. We had plans to get married, and I’m just crushed to know of all the lies and deceit that took over this relationship. I still care for him and want to help him but know I NEED to move on with my life without him. Any advice or suggestions of where to seek advice would be much appreciated.