abuse prevention

How Specific Is a Urine and Blood Drug Test?

Question by bzas1girl: How specific is a urine and blood drug test?
If you are taking oxycodone is that all it will show or will it show the specific drug like oxycontin,roxycodone,percocet or vicodin? Any info is appreciated. Thanks in advance for the help!

Best answer:

Answer by peanut
Yes, it show as an opiate.

What do you think? Answer below!



2014 National Drug Facts Week – National Drug Facts Week promotional video, introduced by NIDA Director, Dr. Nora Volkow. Quick look at what you need to do to get ready for NDFW 2014! This …

Recommendations on How to Deal With Drug Alocohol Abuse Among Teenagers?

Question by Kamal: recommendations on how to deal with drug alocohol abuse among teenagers?
how can it be prevented?
what can the government do?
what should be done with the existing addicts?

Best answer:

Answer by mrklcoac2002
well, first it needs to start with the parents and i another thing i think that should be done is take these kids to the intensive care units or nursing homes where people are in a coma from drugs/alcohol

What do you think? Answer below!


Poster contest a success

Filed under: drug abuse help for teenagers

What Are Symptoms of Teen Depression?

Question by Katana: What are symptoms of teen depression?
I’ve been very irritable lately. I get very upset over the littlest things and I don’t know why. I have no desire to do things I used to love. Nothing sounds fun anymore. I usually just end up isolating myself in my room all day, but I feel very lonely. I have trouble staying asleep, I either eat too much or barely at all. Could these be signs of depression? Also, both my mom and dad have pretty severe depression and take medication for it. I’ve had this on and off for a while and I’m not too sure what to do about it. If it is depression of some sort, what are treatment options and how do I tell my mom that I’m depressed. Answers are appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Conservatives: How Can You Be Against an Authoritarian Government and for the War on Drugs?

Question by josh: Conservatives: How can you be against an authoritarian government and for the War on Drugs?
The Burns act signed by Reagan which allows local police to acquire military weaponry such as fully automatic assault rifles, grenades and even tanks for the purpose of drug enforcement.

Stop & Frisk made Famous by Mayor Bloomburg in NYC but has been enacted in nearly every inner city in the country. Clear violation of your constitutional right to be protected against unlawful search and seizure

I Want a Career Thats Helps With Drug Abuse?

Question by Lindsay: i want a career thats helps with drug abuse?
i am a pharmacy tech now. and i want to go back to school an get a degree or something for drug abuse prevention. any suggestions?

Best answer:

Answer by Lilith
I would like a job like that too. Please will u let me know if someone suggests something?????

Add your own answer in the comments!


Americans Still Eat Too Much Salt: CDC

Filed under: drug abuse prevention

Easy 10 Points! Does Anyone Know What I Can Teach to Elementary School Students About Drug Abuse Prevention?

Question by lolli: Easy 10 points! Does anyone know what i can teach to elementary school students about drug abuse prevention?
I need some fun activities to keep them entertained, these activities shouldn’t be too complicated, at least easy enough for kindergarten kids to understand. they would have to send out a clear message too! were trying to teach them about preventing drug abuse! thankyou!

Best answer:

Answer by R_J_300
You can teach them using toys they like. For example like if barbie or the toy car use this in example to the drug how it can harm them the same could happen to you.