addiction rehab

Inpatient Treatment for Gambling Does Anyone Know Where to Go ?

Question by Janet D: inpatient treatment for gambling does anyone know where to go ?
I have been in two inpatient treatment centers and three out patient since 2001 and I am looking for another inpatient treatment for gambling

Best answer:

Looking for a Drug and Alcohol Treatment Facility?

Question by Suga’s Mama: Looking for a drug and alcohol treatment facility?
I am looking for a free or low cost drug and alcohol treatment facility in the Houston, TX area (preferably the south side) for a family member. Also looking for treatment facilities that accept Medicare.

Best answer:

Answer by NANCY K
Drug Addiction Treatment in Houston TX Texas
… Drug Addiction Treatment Treatment Facility: Houston Aftercare Inc. Houston TX Texas … Services (Houston, Tx), Ajam Counseling Center (Conroe, Tx), Alcohol …
Go to WEBSEARCH type in: drug/alcohol facilityhoustontxmedicare then push enter.

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What Was the Name of the Classical Song That Was on That 80’s Commercial for an Alcohol Treatment Center?

Question by freshmode87: What was the name of the classical song that was on that 80’s commercial for an alcohol treatment center?
Does anyone remember that commercial from the 80’s for a drug and alcohol treatment center? They used to run the commercial constantly (at least in Southern Cal), I think the place was called Schick or New Beginnings. What was the name of the song that played in the background during the commercial? It is a very famous classical piece that sounds a lot like Canon D (the wedding song) but it’s not. They used it in the A&E show “Intervention” the other day so it appears to be synonymous with addiction and treatment. If you know it you’re a genius!

Are There Any Adults Who Have Been Thru Oklahoma Juvenile Inpatient Drug Rehab and Does It Work?

Question by ok.ombudsman: Are there any adults who have been thru Oklahoma juvenile inpatient drug rehab and does it work?
My 17 1/2 year old son takes many pills and smokes green. It may be screweing up his college opportunities, which is something he wants. He has a religious background but has chosen to be an atheist. He also has a high IQ and a fiance. Outpatient services didn’t work for him, but he did find a coke dealer in a weeklong facility (fortunately not a drug he uses).

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What Drug Rehabs in Wisconsin Accept Badgercare?

Question by Micaela m: What Drug Rehabs in Wisconsin accept Badgercare?
i need to find an inpatient drug treatment program. does anybody know of ANY of them in wisconsin that badgercare will pay for? please help!!

Best answer:

Answer by Betsy
It doesn’t appear that Badgercare pays for any inpatient AODA treatment. The link below is to a list of county health services departments. If you contact the one for your county, you may be able to get help. Very few people get into inpatient treatment these days because no one wants to fund it. This is the link:

What Is the Most Intoxicating Thing You Can Do to Your Body?

Question by italianovenizio1392: What is the most intoxicating thing you can do to your body?
Think about all the things you see on Health and News channels all the talk about smoking, drinking, drug abuse. Do you really know what the MOST intoxicating thing you could do to your body? We do it everyday unknowingly and care-free but it injures our bodies! Serious answers only!

Best answer:

Answer by przhm247

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