Anyone Know of Good & Effective Dual Diagnosis Rehab Centers?
Question by Anthony B: Anyone know of good & effective dual diagnosis rehab centers? I’ve decided to get myself some help and need advice on treatment centers. I need a place that specializes in mental-illness(more specifically, bipolar) along with drug and alcohol addiction. I haven’t the slightest clue how to locate a quality program and need some help. If anyone knows of any or has gone through a similar situation, please share. Best answer: Read more... ...
What Are the Downsides to Using Methadone for Addiction Treatment?
Question by cinthia cb: What are the downsides to using methadone for addiction treatment? I have a friend who has finally decided to get herself treated for her heroin addiction. I’ve heard a lot of good things about buprenorphine as a detox option, but I know that a lot of people are still banking on methadone as a good way of detoxing. I just want to know the disadvantages of using methadone so that I can warn my friend as well as help her in making a decision. Best answer: Read more... ...
What to Do With a Sister Addicted to Pain Medication Leaving Out of Town?
Question by Diane: What to do with a sister addicted to pain medication leaving out of town? My one sister just got married and is having her wedding reception down in Ohio and we are up in Michigan. My other sister wants to go and nobody wants to take her due to the fact that she causes drama on road trips and also at family functions on pain medication. This has been ongoing for about 8-10 years and I don’t know if I should check her baggage completely or just leave her here. The drama is already starting. She says that she’s not going to do it, and then she does. What do I do? Read more... ...
Generally, How Much Do Rehab Programs Cost if Not Covered by Insurance?
Question by Melly Jelly: Generally, how much do rehab programs cost if not covered by insurance? I’m looking into this for a friend and a price range or something would be EXTREMELY helpful. (if it’s important, it’d be a self-esteem rehab program for like depression/eating disorders/etc) Thanks so much in advance. Best answer: Answer by LysandraIf you are willing to pay for rehab programs I would highly recommend you to buy an ebook instead. Try your luck there, they are cheaper and effective. Rehab programs cost a lot. Read more... ...
What Is the Alcohol or Drug Addiction Process?
Question by Anthony: What is the alcohol or drug addiction process? What are the specific steps someone should take if they know of a person who is a drug addict or alcoholic. explain some of the treatment programs available to does an alcoholic or drug addict affect family members? Best answer: Read more... ...
Is There Someone Here Who Can Tell Me How to Find Drug Rehabs in Gridley, California?
Question by aja np: Is there someone here who can tell me how to find drug rehabs in Gridley, California? I have a friend whom I haven’t had contact with in years. Recently, though, someone told me that he was spotted at a drug rehab in Gridley, probably working there as a counselor. Since I will be visiting someone else in California, I think I might as well go and see my friend too. This is why I want to find the available drug rehabs there. Best answer: Read more... ...