alcohol abuse

Litchfield Cancels Controversial Student Survey

Litchfield cancels controversial student survey

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse help

The Profiles of Student Life survey, which featured questions not only about drug and alcohol use but also about sexual activity and orientation, personal behavior, depression, suicide, physical violence and domestic abuse, was scheduled to be given to …
Read more on Waterbury Republican American


Update On Binge Drinking Among College Students: From Bad To Worse

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse help

Questions About Drug Abuse?

Question by Zugoo: Questions about drug abuse?
Hello, i have a project about drugs, but i need some questions to write about before i start.
Does anyone have any idea for some questions about how to fight drug abuse by teenagers?

Thank you!

Best answer:

Answer by Casey
Projects start with research.
Google ” Illegal drugs and teens”

or “Is marijuana addictive for some all or none.”…………

Relationship After Drug/alcohol Abuse?

Question by hopelesslydevoted: relationship after drug/alcohol abuse?
My boyfriend of almost 2 years began showing signs of a drinking problem about 6 months ago. He was arrested while drunk for disorderly conduct. After that, he stopped drinking so much, but began again during a visit with his family. He then really kicked his butt out of drinking. However, I recently found out that he traded his alcohol addiction for a meth addiction. He is now in jail after failing a drug test at a hospital b/c he was having feelings of paranoia and anxiety and thought it was a psychological problem–it’s not, it was part of his drug abuse. I’d love some advice on how to move on with my life. We had plans to get married, and I’m just crushed to know of all the lies and deceit that took over this relationship. I still care for him and want to help him but know I NEED to move on with my life without him. Any advice or suggestions of where to seek advice would be much appreciated.

Drug Support Hot Lines?

Question by Aime: Drug support hot lines?
I don’t need to hear about how I shouldn’t bother or whatever.
I am upset and worried over my friend, and need advice.

Does anyone know the hotline number or a place where I could talk to a actual person about my worry over my friend doing drug/weed?
Honestly… I don’t need to hear about how I shouldn’t be interfering, I just need a link or a number.

Thank you \:

Best answer:

Answer by HäVø¢™
Drug Abuse Help Lines

Add your own answer in the comments!


Looking for a Inpatient Alcohol Program for People on Medi-Cal?

Question by bella: Looking for a inpatient alcohol program for people on medi-cal?
My son recieves a social security check and has med-cal insurance.We live in Fullerton Calif.

Best answer:

Answer by stick man
I’m on the kansas version Medicaid. I have never used it though. Does his booklet that came with Medi-cal list the drug treatment programs? Or could his social security worker tell you who would take him for rehab? In the KS book there was a short list of who would treat drug/alcohol abuse.

Should Oregon Legalize Medical Marijuana Dispensaries This Coming November?

Question by Technicolor Universe: Should Oregon Legalize Medical Marijuana Dispensaries this coming November?

Best answer:

Answer by Thomas D
Sure, actually marijuana needs to be decriminalized altogether

What do you think? Answer below!



Cover Oregon: “Long Live Oregonians”- Matt Sheehy (:60) – Long Live Oregonians! We’re proud to let all Oregonians know their healthcare marketplace is coming. Check out our latest video featuring Matt Sheehy of Lost…


Bill addresses underage drinking

Filed under: drug addiction help oregon