Does Anyone Care?
Question by DIFFERENT: does anyone care?
does anyone care about people like me who has an abusive boyfriend but has tried everything and anything to move on but hes to controlling and to abusive, does anyone care that i grew up in foster care was raped and molested and even touched by my own foster parents my real father before he died before i went into foster homes and my real mom to this day tells me im worthless and was a rape baby? does anyone care that i can hardley afford to eat? that everyday i have to ask for money from people and even pay 10 dollars just to use this computer for resources? does anyone care that i think i should die because i have no life, and i am usally a nanny but since i have no way to get to california they wont hire me, i have to have a current address and a phone number i dont even have that, what should i do? and why dont people care for someone like me? im worthless and alot of people tell me im pretty but so what i just want to die, so maybe someone will respond with a good response.
Does Anyone Know of Buprenorphine-Administering Drug Rehabs in Walpole, Maine?
Question by amaya ls: Does anyone know of buprenorphine-administering drug rehabs in Walpole, Maine?
My cousin, who lives with us, has gotten herself into bad company. She’s now a heroin addict and we want to get her treated. We want to know more about buprenorphine, as we have heard that this is a more appealing treatment than methadone is. How can we find drug rehabs that are administering buprenorphine treatments to patients?
Best answer:
Does Life Ever Get Better?
Question by melinda: Does life ever get better?
hi, I’m recovering from a drug addiction about a little over two weeks clean at the moment and I’m doing it on my own. And I don’t feel life is worth living, I mean does it ever get better? I feel like I’m in a black hole and the light is getting further and further out of reach. Some shit happened in my past that I couldn’t handle so I OD’d a little over 2 years ago and ended up in the hospital and after that I got hooked on drugs. Does anyone have any experience with what I’m going through??? I just want to be happy again and I’m scared. Im 21 years old.
Have You Heard of Organized Stalking or Cause Stalking?
Question by Terry Cloth: Have you heard of organized stalking or cause stalking?
It’s a recently documented phenomena, that is commonly used as a form of reprisal for whistleblowers or to terrorize people in minority groups, outspoken community members, ex spouses, etc.
It is exactly as frightening as it sounds. Groups of people stalking and harassing a single individual in a community, so pervasively that the targeted individual is driven to commit suicide, be institutionalized, and/or incarcerated.
Can you believe this is happening?
What could one person do to stop this?
Best answer:
Failed a Probation Marijuana Drug Test?
Question by kyle_viper: Failed a probation marijuana drug test?
Got caught for Felony Possession in florida last year, been on probation for 7 months. Successfully Detox’d my first test, then passed 2 drug test in a treatment program. Now 7 months in I fail one. What are the chances of me going to jail being my first violation of probation, and the drug only being cannabis.
Best answer:
Answer by fancyname
Its still a fail, it depends on your judge.
What do you think? Answer below!
Why Do Drug Addiction Treatments Cost Much?
Question by aracely s: Why do drug addiction treatments cost much?
I was just wondering about this since thousands of dollars seem like so much money.
Best answer:
Answer by arlyn w
Drug addiction treatments cost much because a lot of factors are involved when treating a patient. Medication and payment for counseling and therapy costs much. But studies have shown that a full year of methadone maintenance treatment would cost a lot less than a year of imprisonment. Besides, this is someone’s life that’s on the line. What’s a thousand dollars compared to leading a sober, happy, addiction-free life?