drug addict

Addiction and Me, the Drug Free?

Question by Who is Danger Woman?: Addiction and me, the drug free? I don’t do drugs, but i have had an addiction or dependance, if you will-i still think it’s the same thing- to caffeine and nicotine. as far as smoking, i straight up quit. I didn’t smoke and actually would get nauseated when i was around it. I would try to take a drag and would nearly get sick. Then a year later i started smoking again. I smoked when i wanted to and not when i had to. I would buy different types of cigarettes, so i have a few half smoked packs just lying around my house, that have been there a month and i don’t intend on smoking them. Actually i don’t even know if i plan on smoking tobacco for the rest of my life. IDK the cigars in my humidor have been in there for a long time and are only getting better with age. NTL i guess what i’m getting at is, i know some people who have smoked for decades and have tried quitting, and i’ve seen people who have onl ...

Tragic Tales Inspire New Hard-Hitting Adaptation

Tragic tales inspire new hard-hitting adaptation Filed under: drug addiction quotes Unlike the original, it gives a voice to women with tragic stories to tell of being lured into prostitution, drug addiction and the “shame” of falling for the wrong man. It is part of Welsh National Opera's seasonal theme of fallen women. It has … Read more on Birmingham Post  In Brief: What Yiren Lu's Magnificent Portrait Of Silicon Valley Can Teach Us … Filed under: drug addiction quotes    Read more... ...

Is Instagram Becoming a Boutique Shopping Destination?

...  Instagram Becoming a Boutique Shopping Destination? Filed under: free online pornography addiction help I'll be honest. I've never been big on Instagram. I got over the food porn and selfie phenomenon when This Is Why You're Fat became a coffee table book. Still, like every social network doing its best to monetize, Instagram is becoming a place for … Read more on Social Times (blog)    VideosByLindaC | Former Drug Addict Talks About Getting Set Free from Drugs! – http://www.videosbylindac.com Former Drug Addict Talks About Getting Set Free from Drugs! Read Linda’s Blog @ http://www.videosbylindac.com and discover how …    Read ...

My Brother Is Cronic Drunkard ?

...  by Rishi: My brother is cronic drunkard ? He starts drinking 7 am and drinks till he falls. He leaves home often. How can i help him Best answer: Answer by seppensgive him more beer! Add your own answer in the comments!     Alcohol Treatment Huntington Beach CA – http://alcoholtreatmenthuntingtonbeachca.com/- In the coastal city of Huntington Beach, alcoholism and drug addiction are serious problems. More than a half …  Tags: drug addict, drug addiction ...

Is a Drug Addiction Similar to Psychological Addiction?

...  by Kalla: Is a drug addiction similar to psychological addiction? I know in a drug addict’s brain nerves connect together and tell the brain and body it needs the drug to live. Also if they become sober they face the possibility of relapse despite the number of years of being sober. Is this the same as a psychological addiction? Best answer:    Read ...

Session Addresses Meth

Session addresses meth Filed under: drug addiction help in michigan The Cheboygan County Sheriff's Department recently held a training session to help officers and other emergency personnel around the county recognize a possible “one-pot” meth operation. Cheboygan County Sheriff Dale Clarmont said the problems … Read more on Cheboygan Daily Tribune  Push to legalize marijuana is gaining important momentum Filed under: drug addiction help in michigan There is the claim that marijuana is a gateway drug. Really? Supporters say the correlation of pot use and heavy drug use is no greater than having a beer is to becoming an alcoholic. Who could dispute that marijuana's prohibition has failed miserably … Read more on Port Huron Times Herald    Read more... ...