drug addiction help

Session Addresses Meth

Session addresses meth

Filed under: drug addiction help in michigan

The Cheboygan County Sheriff's Department recently held a training session to help officers and other emergency personnel around the county recognize a possible “one-pot” meth operation. Cheboygan County Sheriff Dale Clarmont said the problems …
Read more on Cheboygan Daily Tribune


Push to legalize marijuana is gaining important momentum

Filed under: drug addiction help in michigan

There is the claim that marijuana is a gateway drug. Really? Supporters say the correlation of pot use and heavy drug use is no greater than having a beer is to becoming an alcoholic. Who could dispute that marijuana's prohibition has failed miserably …
Read more on Port Huron Times Herald

Miss. Moves to Execute Its 1st Female Prisoner Since 1944

Miss. moves to execute its 1st female prisoner since 1944

Filed under: drug addiction help in clarion county

Michelle Byrom was 42 when she hired a killer to murder her husband in Tishomingo County, Mississippi, on June 4, 1999. She was sentenced … At the time of her husband's shooting, Michelle Byrom was under the influence of about a dozen drugs, several …
Read more on kdvr.com


Criminal justice reforms pass

Filed under: drug addiction help in clarion county

Ending It All by Their Own Hand: Corps Probes Marine Suicides

Ending it all by their own hand: Corps probes Marine suicides

Filed under: drug addiction helpline

The Marine Corps operates a host of initiatives as part of its suicide prevention program, and base services include counselors, medical personnel and a 24-hour suicide helpline. In 2009, the Marines started annual suicide prevention training for …
Read more on Military Times


Are You Willing to Let Go?

Filed under: drug addiction helpline

Ruben Rosario: Criminal Past Blocks Return to Productive Life

Ruben Rosario: Criminal past blocks return to productive life

Filed under: drug addiction help washington

According to a study by the American Civil Liberties Union, blacks are seven times more likely to be busted for marijuana in this state than whites, despite equal rates of use of the drug in both groups. Maybe a move to Colorado or Washington could …
Read more on Pioneer Press


Convicted Allfirst trader finds redemption hiring others who've made mistakes

Filed under: drug addiction help washington

I Have a Question About Drug Addiction?

Question by SR 76: I have a question about drug addiction?
My husband is a drug addict. I dont know what to do. Ive tried hiding them. But he puts me down about other things I have done He even said He felt he was too good for me because my family is disfunctional.My sister was raped as a child and so was I. So the disfunctional family bit was not my fault.But any time I get close to the subject of taking away his fix he goes insane and begins to verbally abuse me I am constantly searching for his love I try to forget about mentioning drug abuse to him so we can somehow fix our disfunctional relationship. But he is gone emotially. and acts like he is dead toward me altogether. He allowes me to give him oral sex but when he is through he just say’s thank’s that was good and rolls over to go to sleep.I have reciently given up and am begining to accept the constant drug abuse. I even started to help him get drugs thinking it would bring us together again But he still stayes as far away from me as possible

Former NBA Standout and Recovering Addict Delivers Anti-Drug in Anne Arundel

Former NBA standout and recovering addict delivers anti-drug in Anne Arundel

Filed under: drug addiction help for family members

As the former NBA player recounted his battle with drug addiction, students throughout Southern High School's auditorium looked around to see who was crying. No one needed to look far. For the past four years, … "I was a heroin addict for eight years …
Read more on Baltimore Sun


Man accused of stealing thousands of dollars in jewelry from Bethlehem

Filed under: drug addiction help for family members