Fort Myers Man's Family Willing to Take Drug Case to Supreme Court
Fort Myers man's family willing to take drug case to Supreme Court
Filed under: drug addiction treatment in florida
He has said he was a cocaine addict in need of treatment when he was sentenced. Since entering … “Inmate Edwards has shown himself to be a peaceful, outgoing, exemplary person who has overcome his drug addiction and is ready to re-enter society as a …
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Jane Pauley 'reimagines' the second half of her life
Filed under: drug addiction treatment in florida
Drug Rehab Information?
Question by Jenny D AKA Rottweiler Azz ?: Drug Rehab Information?
I’m doing research for a story I’m writing; I’m just getting to the part where my two main characters end up in rehab together, but I want to present it accurately. Any insight would be helpful as far as average length of stay, how group works, how ppl are housed, etc. Anything u can tell me would be helpful. Thanks!
Best answer:
Answer by Schtupa
With the wide variety of treatment modalities it is difficult to tell you what is “average.” So here goes nothing.
Drugs How Many Kinds Are There?
Question by emm99: drugs how many kinds are there?
How many different kinds of drugs are there?
Best answer:
Answer by Je t’aime
?Common Drug Types
There are many different types of drugs you should be aware of. Some are prescribed, others are known as club drugs, illicit or illegal substances, and some are called designers drugs. They include:
Antidepressants are a prescription medication used to treat depression and mood disorders like obsessive-compulsive disorder, eating disorders and other anxiety problems. The problem is that some antidepressant drugs can actually carry serious side effects and when used in combination with alcohol or other depressant drugs, can actually make you more depressed. Likewise, discontinuing use suddenly can cause mild withdrawal symptoms. Learn more…
Question by danielle_wears_prada: addiction?
I have been smoking weed for 5 years now, recently I have been re evaluating my situation and I feel now is the time to give up my vices. I have dealt with hell these past 5 years and I used weed as an outlet, it was always the thing that I could just do and any problem would melt away….for a while that is. I steadily smoked my way through high school and now most of college and I am ready to quit. But heres the problem, I have been a daily smoker for 5 years…quitting just like that is impossible believe me I have tried, every time I get a little weak or upset thats what I turn to. I would like to quit naturally and over a small amount of time without rehab, any suggestions? NOTE TO READERS: PLEASE FEEL FREE TO ANSWER HOW YOU CHOOSE BUT DONT JUDGE ME, I AM SIMPLY ASKING FOR HELP HERE IF YOU CANT PROVIDE THAT THEN DONT ANSWER, ALL RIDICULOUS RESPONSES WILL BE IGNORED. THANKS EVERYONE.
How Can I Find a Best Addiction Treatment Center for My Friend?
Question by Shaz: how can i find a best addiction treatment center for my friend?
well i am looking for the best addiction treatment that deals with alcohol and drugs because my best friend is having a lot of problem in daily life with his family in pain and his life is just almost finished i want to help him as he is my best friend so please help me out find the right place for him!!
Best answer:
Answer by Erica
Oxycontin Addiction…..PLEASE HELP.?
Question by Branicle: Oxycontin Addiction…..PLEASE HELP.?
My Brother recently moved into our home with his Son to try to get clean from oxy, he has a $ 200 a day habit…. Can you tell me what can I expect, everyone keeps telling me how bad the withdrawals are and Im just not seeing any yet? How long does it take to get out of your system and for the withdrawals to start? Please help me, I need some more info….
Best answer:
Answer by tekno
lock your belongings. try not to be near him when he starts withdrawing