drug addiction

How the Kids Do It Now: Partying

How the Kids Do It Now: Partying

Filed under: drug addiction help in michigan

The Wire spoke with three college students and one high schooler about how to party and what's cool on the drugs scene. (Spoiler: nicotine.) … For Brenna, a senior at Michigan, pre-game is simple: "pound a few drinks" with friends before heading out …
Read more on The Wire


'Black Shadow': Laced heroin implicated in deaths

Filed under: drug addiction help in michigan

Are Prisons Prepared to Treat Combat Veterans With PTSD? a Question in

Are prisons prepared to treat combat veterans with PTSD? A question in

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act

Chief U.S. District Court Judge Karon Bowdre on Thursday afternoon listened to testimony during Morgan's sentence hearing from social workers and a psychiatrist about Morgan's mental health issues, drug addiction, PTSD, and the availability of federal …
Read more on al.com (blog)


Obamacare: It's Working!

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act

Addiction treatment, mental-health care and maternity coverage are all now guaranteed. Even seniors are coming out ahead, having already pocketed an average $ 1,265 in savings on prescription drugs bought under Medicare. Far from driving a spike in …
Read more on RollingStone.com

Bad Drug Addiction.?

Question by Melissa V: bad drug addiction.?
i like me boyfriend alot, but he has a drug problem and I hate it. He scared the sh*t out of me when hes on them. he does pills and pot. Yea let me guess that don’t sound so bad. Well it is. Cause I hate dugs coming from a family that does them myself I don’t want my boyfriend to be fu*ked up everyday.he acts different when he does pills and pot. and i’ve tried pot it doesn’t just slow you down. He*l no it don’t. it attacked my nerves and damn I could barely stand up. I need someones help. I want to know how to tell my boyfriend how to stop doing drugs without him breaking up with me. And, without me breaking up with him. Can anyone help me?

Prosecutor Rolls Out Ambitious Set of 'Community Justice' Programs

Prosecutor rolls out ambitious set of 'community justice' programs

Filed under: drug addiction help line

People with drug problems were not getting help, he said, and were quickly re-offending as soon as they got the chance; being addicted to heroin or prescription painkillers, Blackburn noted, essentially guarantees a person will steal or deal to support …
Read more on Athens NEWS


House budget leaner than Patrick's

Filed under: drug addiction help line

I Need Some Help for My Son Doing Drugs?

Question by miamorpartatu: I need some help for my son doing drugs?
I am divorced and have a 21 yr. old son I just found out has and is doing drugs and extacy??? and I have talked to him but tell’s me he has no problem and won’t go to seek help. What can I do?I love him and don’t want to lose him!

Best answer:

Answer by lami_by_design
Keep loving him, don’t give him money, don’t let the drugs in your house, pray.
Thats all you can do.
Because in the end it is his choice, sadly…

“Internet Addictions” – a Real Medical Menace?” What Do You Think?

Question by Hunny Bunny: “Internet Addictions” – A Real Medical Menace?” What do you think?
“Alcohol, drugs, food, sex, and even shopping are all candidates for medical treatment and are recognized as genuine mental disorders, so what about the Internet? Internet addiction -defined as “excessive gaming, sexual pre-occupations, and email/text messaging” – is becoming so common that at least one psychiatrist says it merits inclusion in psychiatry’s official handbook of mental illness, the “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.”