drug addiction

Have Any Book Suggestions About First-Hand Drug Addiction Experiences: (See Details)?

Question by Spec Tac: Have any book suggestions about first-hand drug addiction experiences: (see details)?
Looking for something that is non-fiction or accurate fiction, which gives a first hand experience of serious drug addictions that blur the lines between reality and the mind. Probably a drug addiction like Heroin or Oxycontin, somethihg that can really make a person confused and lost in their own mind.
I am really looking for something that gets into the confused consciousness/perspective of someone really deep into such a drug that might make you loose touch with reality, something that gives a first-person account.

Perscription Drug Addiction?

Question by Mark O: Perscription Drug Addiction?
How do you tell if someone has a prescription drug addiction? Is it similar to an illegal drug addiction? I have a loved one who I am very concerned about. They take prescription drugs for medical purposes. But they affect them the same way that illegal drugs affect others. They take 35 every day. They are a nurse. They can give a medical justification for every one of them. But the way they react at different times makes me wonder. Their emotions go up and down. They have the same reactions as a drug addict. Can someone give some advice on helping my loved one.

GUEST OPINION: It Takes a Community to Beat Drug Addiction

GUEST OPINION: It takes a community to beat drug addiction

Filed under: inpatient drug rehab treatment program

Imagine if treatment for addiction was like treatment for other chronic diseases with comprehensive, personalized plans that include adequate inpatient time and solid after care. Imagine if we were proud to support the very best recovery programs …
Read more on Taunton Daily Gazette


Toledo woman struggles to escape heroin's lethal grip

Filed under: inpatient drug rehab treatment program

Oregon Political Quotes of the Week: Stinking Pigs and Train Wrecks

Oregon political quotes of the week: Stinking pigs and train wrecks

Filed under: drug addiction quotes

Senate President Peter Courtney makes our quotes of the week. (Michael … Mark McDonnell, a former head of the Multnomah County district attorney's drug unit, after testifying that the legislature ought to ensure that marijuana legalization is done …
Read more on The Oregonian


Long Awaited Follow-Up to Doctor James R. Milam's Best-Selling Book on

Filed under: drug addiction quotes

Where Can I Find Some Drug Addiction Pictures to Show My Child?

Question by lipstick7000: Where can I find some drug addiction pictures to show my child?

Best answer:

Answer by Bookgal
You don’t need drug addiction pictures. Just watch Walk The Line, about Johnnny Cash’s drug addiction. She will never want to do drugs after she sees this.

Give your answer to this question below!



Alcohol Treatment | Haines City Drug Rehab & Detox Helpline – Admitting to a drug or alcohol addiction is the first step on the road to recovery. Unfortunately, many people in Central Florida don’t know where to get pro…

Competitive Consequences: Treatment for Athletes With Addictions

Competitive Consequences: Treatment for athletes with addictions

Filed under: drug addiction treatment indiana

Athletes, with their need for a competitive edge, enhanced speed and being able to play through pain, are at a greater risk of becoming addicted to drugs in general but prescription drugs specifically because of injuries and the rising pressure to keep …
Read more on nwitimes.com


Experts warn of potent new painkiller Zohydro

Filed under: drug addiction treatment indiana