drug and alcohol addiction

Is the JUVENILE EDUVENTION PROGRAM Considered Formal Substance/drug Abuse COUNSELING or TREATMENT?

Question by Mitch: Is the JUVENILE EDUVENTION PROGRAM considered formal substance/drug abuse COUNSELING or TREATMENT?
here’s the situation. my friend is confused about if the EDUVENTION Program for juveniles is considered drug counseling and/or treatment. When he was 13 years old, he got in trouble with the police for vandalism. his parents suspected he was using drugs and the court gave hima drug test. he popped positive for marujuana. he was NEVER charged with any type of drug chage, he was just orderd to attend an educational class about weed with his parents, it was kind of like DARE. The class was called EDUVENTION-substance abuse educational program. It was only 4 days long, once a week for 4 weeks, he was required to attend this with his parents. So my main question…

Drug Rehab Programs?

Question by MrSandman: Drug rehab programs?
Can you tell me if drug rehab programs are successful in the UK and what is the cost per week to the taxpayer or addict to receive treatment? I understand that the costs might be astronomical and unaffordable for your average person suffering from a drug addiction.

Best answer:

Answer by Javaris
dude fukk rehab..keep smokin dat shizz

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Residential Treatment Programs for Drug and Alcohol Addiction – Natural and wilderness treatment programs from FourCircles provide a very good recovery for drug and alcohol addicted people to get out of the addiction. Con…

Drug Rehab or Alcoholics Anonymous?

Question by V: Drug rehab or Alcoholics Anonymous?
When is it better to go to rehab rather than just AA meetings, etc.

Best answer:

Answer by J W
nobody likes a quitter

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Check into Drug Addiction Treatment Facilities In Monterey Park – For Drug Recovery Assistance Call 1-855-602-5102 24/7/365.


LI lacks drug treatment spots, expert tells Suffolk lawmakers

Filed under: drug addiction treatment facilities

Question About Detoxing My Body?

Question by miles s: question about detoxing my body?
So i have been doing my research and learned that alot of problems i have been having is from a bad digestive system so im trying to detox but its hard to find information about what i can and can’t eat. Can i eat dairy while i detox? like eggs and cheese or would that mess up the detox? also am i only able to eat fruits and salads or can i have like a light sandwhich on like wheat bread or something? I’m asking because im already skinny and i don’t wanna lose weight and im scared to go to the gym while detoxing because i read that it could make you really tired especially if its your first time. also any tips on how to maintain my digestive system once its cleaned out because i dont want to go full on vegan but im going to start adding salads and fruit to what i eat as well as cut out junk.

Is There a Treatment Program for Alcoholics in Hudson, New York?

Question by grace: Is there a treatment program for alcoholics in Hudson, New York?
We were asked to do a research about the different activities included in a alcoholic treatment program. I’m really interested in the project and I want to come up with the best report in our class. I’m planning to conduct interviews with alcoholic patients, therapists and counselors. Does anybody know of a great alcohol treatment facility here in Hudson?

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Want to Write About Previous Drug Addiction?

Question by Tony: Want to write about previous drug addiction?
I want to write like a story about my previous drug addiction to pills but idk how to start it. Also I want to find a job that I can do where I can help people struggling with drug addiction or people that are having family members with drug addiction. What are some jobs I can do and can soneone help me start to write this story.

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