How Much Does a Counselor Make Yearly?
Question by Moon: How much does a counselor make yearly?
I’m really into psychology and I’ve been trying to google how much a counselor makes a year. I know there are a bunch of different counselors and I kind of want to be either a family counselor, a counselor at a hospital, or maybe one at a rehab place. I just want to more, thank-you in advance!
Best answer:
Answer by Smith Mari
Substance Abuse and Behavioral Disorder Counselors
Any Suggestions on Good and Affordable Inpatient Drug Rehab Facilities?
Question by hrnyplygrl: Any suggestions on good and affordable inpatient drug rehab facilities?
I live in cupertino, ca (bay area) and I’m just wondering if anyone knows and good inpatient centers to go to. I partly want to do this for myself but the other part is for court. I’m on the DEJ or deferred entry of judgement which is a 8 or 10 week drug program outpatient though. I can’t seem to make myself go. So, I’m thinking inpatient might be better. It would need to be affordable and also most likely approved by a judge. Thanks!
Best answer:
Is Dedicating Ones Life to Religion Worse Than Dedicating Ones Life to Drug Addiction?
Question by Desiree: Is dedicating ones life to religion worse than dedicating ones life to drug addiction?
Drug addiction typically only causes damage to one person’s life – the drug addict. But religion causes damage to not just the religion addict but to almost everyone they contact throughout their life, especially their children, right? So in most cases, it would be better for humanity if religious people lived their lives in a drug induced haze rather than to have them screwing up their children’s minds, spreading their ridiculous beliefs to other people and voting for corrupt politicians who use religion to gain power, right?
Where Do I Start to Get Narcotics Addiction Treatment?
Question by Denver: Where do I start to get narcotics addiction treatment?
I have been taking pills for a year now, most recently it has gotten out of hand. Lying about pain, making fake reasons to go to the ER. I want to stop. NOW. Where do I start?
Best answer:
Answer by Kati
Look on this website If you put your state in with your information we may be able to give you names of other treatment centers.
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What Is Special About the Adolescent?
Question by james cb: What is special about the adolescent?
Who or what is a subculture? Adolescents are of great concern for all when it comes to drug abuse treatment. What is special about the adolescent (in any culture) that makes this population or subgroup different to work with than adults or children?
Best answer:
Answer by historyfan
We are still kids becoming adults.
What do you think? Answer below!
Drug Abuse Treatment California – San Francisco or the Golden Gate City is one of the largest cities in California. It is also a popular tourist destin…
What Are Some Gross Forms of Torture?
Question by Sam: What are some gross forms of torture?
Anything that creeps people out, that is really gross and horrifying torture?
No I have not watched saw, but tell me the ways they use it. And please, nothing perverted or involving privates.
Best answer:
Answer by Jennifer M
I heard of one in medieval times where they would hang you by your feet and start sawing you in half long-ways but because of the position you are in your body doesn’t go into shock until the saw reaches past your belly button.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!