drug and alcohol rehab

Where Are the State Funded Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers in Spokane,WA?

Question by Tracy M: where are the state funded drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers in Spokane,WA?
What are the names and locations of the rehab centers that people who are mendated by the court to go to them?

Best answer:

Answer by ahsoasho2u2
Upon sentencing you to a facility, the court should have given you a paper. to choose a place, or direct you to the designated place ordered by the court?

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Mother recalls horror of losing son to heroin

Filed under: state funded drug rehab

12 Ridiculous Things to Know About LA's Bullshit Celeb Rehabs

12 Ridiculous Things to Know About LA's Bullshit Celeb Rehabs

Filed under: drug rehab treatment center

As Lindsay Lohan returns to rehab (maybe? somewhere?) for the millionth time, The Hollywood Reporter digs into … Some have rooms that cost up to $ 90,000 a month. — They never imply someone's in treatment just because they're in treatment–patients …
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Lindsay Lohan Accused of Violating Probation After Quick Rehab Exit

Filed under: drug rehab treatment center

Anyone Know of Good & Effective Dual Diagnosis Rehab Centers?

Question by Anthony B: Anyone know of good & effective dual diagnosis rehab centers?
I’ve decided to get myself some help and need advice on treatment centers. I need a place that specializes in mental-illness(more specifically, bipolar) along with drug and alcohol addiction. I haven’t the slightest clue how to locate a quality program and need some help. If anyone knows of any or has gone through a similar situation, please share.

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Have GOP Campaigns Always Followed the Pattern Identifiable in the Present One?

Question by Brutus: Have GOP campaigns always followed the pattern identifiable in the present one?
Alright, I am more interested in answers from older citizens who had participated or observed previous presidential campaigns (2000 and earlier). So what I am interested in is if we might be blowing out of perspective how “crazy” the rhetoric in this election cycle is. By observing other political systems, it seems natural to me that early in the election cycle a candidate wouldn’t be too fearful of pandering to the fringes, while he/she would inadvertently begin to gravitate towards the center closer to election date. In a nutshell – did we always have Bachmanns, Cains, and Santorums or are we really regressing today?

What Usually Happens to a Person Who Is Caught With Drug Para a 2nd Time?

Question by Tange: what usually happens to a person who is caught with drug para a 2nd time?
last night my friend got pulled over and caught with drug paraphernalia for the 2nd time within 2 months… the 1st time she only got fines and a warning that it better not happen again.. just wondering what to expect to happen to her.. by the way we live in ohio.

Best answer:

Answer by I’m sexy
To quote the movie Liar Liar:


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Why Do People Say Alcholism Is a Disease ?

Question by Dee: Why do people say alcholism is a disease ?
this kinda upsets me , because a disease is something that you have no control over that your body dose on it’s own , you have the choice to purchase alchol , you have the choice to go to treatments , so if alchol is a disease than i guess you can say any addiction is a disease …i think it’s a addiction not a disease , i was a smoker for 15 years and quite , so since can i say i had a disease ?? i didnt have a disease i was nicotine addict and chose to stop ..i honestly wish someone can make me see the light , i honestly dont understand
navyexwife , I didnt say i was able to overcome my addiction without help , believe me quiting smoking was VERY HARD , but i used the support groups to my avantage and overcame it ..A disease is defined as a organ or body part that dose not function correctly so alcohlism , addictions in general are not a disease..and if it is indeed a disease which nobody has shown me different yet , there is indeed a cure , it’s called detox and rehab , it’s there choice not to treat there so called “disease” ..I bet you a cancer patient or a hiv patient would jump on any chance for a cure , so i dont think it’s fair to call it a disease , and almost insulting to those who do indeed have real diseaes