drug and alcohol rehab

Do You Think Alcoholism Is a Disease?

Question by ferengifighter4: Do you think Alcoholism is a disease?
AA talks about an allergy, a craving, that is only apparent in alcoholics

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Answer by KAS
No question about it!

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Addiction Treatment Indianapolis IN (317) 489-3270 Today for Different Programs – http://www.drugrehabindianapolisin.com Addiction Treatment Indianapolis IN, are dedicated to drug and alcohol rehab, including detox Indianapolis IN, counsel…


Local legislators support welfare drug testing bill

Filed under: drug addiction treatment indiana

Am I Eligable on an Idividual Health Insurance Policy if I Was Declined by Golen Rule?

Question by Renee: Am i eligable on an Idividual Health Insurance Policy if I was declined by Golen Rule?
The reason stated was due to excessive marijuana and alcohol use. March, 2007, I admitted myself to a Drug and Alcohol Rehab facility. I admitted to using alcohol and marijuana. I am clean and sober today. I have no other health issues. I am a 51 year old female. I’ve and 5 feet 3 inches tall and weigh 115 pounds. I get regular physical and do not have anything wrong with me. When will I be eligible under an individual health insurance plan?

HIV/AIDS Activists Urge Expanding Texas Medicaid

HIV/AIDS activists urge expanding Texas Medicaid

Filed under: drug treatment programs in texas

If Texas fully participates in the federal Affordable Care Act, nearly eight out 10 low-income Texans who are HIV positive and now get their life-sustaining anti-retroviral drugs through a special state-federal program would obtain comprehensive health …
Read more on Dallas Morning News (blog)


Sequestration is Coming, and It's Hitting Texas Hard

Filed under: drug treatment programs in texas

Where Can Someone Receive FREE Drug Rehab and Treatment in California?

Question by Kristen: Where can someone receive FREE drug rehab and treatment in California?
My roommate is trying so hard to come off opiods on his own, but is really struggling. Unfortunately, he cannot work right now, as he was recently inured on the job. That, in itself, is a huge mess — and terrible timing! Anyway, he desperately wants to return to a clean and sober life, but has no way to pay for the treatment. I’m doing the best I can to be his support, but he needs the help of professionals. Can anyone offer us information about treatment facilities which provide services for free, or based on a financial hardship? ANY help you can offer would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you!!

Withdrawing From Injecting Heroin, Massachusetts?

Question by CCC: Withdrawing from Injecting Heroin, Massachusetts?
Is there a way to get into a rehabilitation facility without any insurance ? The person is from MA which does have mandatory Health Ins but she just got fired, and has no ins currently, any thoughts or knowledge would be appreciated.

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Co. May Expand Drug Rehab Program

Co. may expand drug rehab program

Filed under: drug rehab programs

Co. may expand drug rehab program By Russ Cassady Editor Appalachian News-Express | 0 comments. By mid-year, officials plan for the Pike County courts to have vacated the current Hall of Justice building in favor of the new Pike County Judicial Center.
Read more on Appalachian News-Express


Lindsay Lohan doesn't need drug rehab, her attorney says

Filed under: drug rehab programs