Anyone Know of Any Christian Rehab Programs in the Dallas Area?
Question by Lynnmarie: Anyone know of any Christian rehab programs in the Dallas area?
For drug/alcohol abuse, etc.
Thanks to everyone for your answers.
Michelle, Meier Clinics looks very good. Thanks.
Best answer:
Answer by choko_canyon
I’m sure you could find such a thing on google, but why would a Christian rehab program be more effective than a secular one?
Give your answer to this question below!
Legal Action Threatened Over Prayers at County Meetings
Filed under: christian drug rehab
Are There Low Costs or No Costs Long Term Residential Treatment Centers for Drug and Alcohol Addictions?
Question by john_morlock2001: Are there low costs or no costs long term residential treatment centers for drug and alcohol addictions?
Friends of mine have an adult child who has already been through short term drug and alcohol rehab (2 weeks to 30 days) treatments, only to relapse. He needs longer term treatment to address the psychological problems associated with addiction; but like millions of other Americans he has no insurance.
Is anyone aware of any long term treatment centers that may help him?
Best answer:
Answer by 2manydogs
Yes, there are but there is no national program that sponsors them.
Is There a Christian Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Mindanao?
Question by zaifel: Is there a Christian Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Mindanao?
I’m looking for a Drug and alcohol rehab run by a christian church/organization here in Mindanao. Someone told me there’s one in Camiguin but I couldn’t find any useful info in the net.
Best answer:
Answer by Shadetreee
Call any rehab center in that area and ask them. they will know and tell you.
Add your own answer in the comments!
California Christian Treatment Centers – – Our professionals realize you are afraid and apprehensive about the decisions you face in regards to your alcohol and …
Pain Management That Is Cheap and Easy Near Marietta Georgia?
Question by smitty: Pain management that is cheap and easy near marietta georgia?
Best answer:
Answer by Durable Med
How’s about 8 cents a day, to have a bunch of morphine you didn’t even know was available?
And just to tease you, you would be having your own body make it, with a narcotics rehab drug.
Is that too farfetched to even believe?
Believe it. Read the article, read it a second time, then go from there.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
If a Pennsylvania Resident Gets Arrested in New Jersey?
Question by henry: if a pennsylvania resident gets arrested in new jersey?
she got a paper saying she had a court summons to appear in new jersey today for operating a motor vehicle in possession of heroin.
what happens if she just doesn’t go? will they come to pa to get her?
thanks guys. my sister is a heroin addict and i know she is lying and didn’t go to court
Best answer:
Answer by Joey Stone
You better go. That shit’s serious. Seriously. You WILL get arrested. They’ll contact Pennsylvania PD and get a warrant.
Does Anyone Know of Any Free Drug/alcohol Rehabs in So Cal?
Question by Skull Boy: Does anyone know of any free drug/alcohol rehabs in So Cal?
I have a nephew that has a really bad alcohol and speed addiction. He’s been in the emergency room several times over the past two years and almost died the last time. He needs to go a rehab center, but the family can’t afford it. Does anyone know of any free rehab centers in So Cal? He lives in Victorville CA, but will travel if needed. It needs to be a place where he can stay. Out patient won’t work for him I’m afraid.