drug rehab

Christian Treatment Programs??

Question by stolenvoice_x: christian treatment programs??
I am looking for a christian based place to go for residential treatment. I was looking into Mercy Ministries and I am pretty much a no on that and I am a DEFINITE NO on teen challenge. Preferably somewhere in Michigan. Mercy seemed so practical because it’s free, and really sounds like what I need but it’s pretty far away and they require a 6 month commitment and I don’t think I could commit to that. I am struggling with a lot right now… I am only now dealing with a rape that occured in 2002, I have been self-injuring for 10 years now and drug/alcohol dependent among lots of other things. I have been in the hospital (mental ward) about 13+ times now, residential rehab once, outpatient rehab once, I guess the list could go on.. I really need some help…. really bad… soon.. I think about suicide way too often.
I’m really scared of being in a strict, religious environment. I was raised christian but walked away from god and the church and I get really angry when I think about god, or hear people talk about him… almost enraged..
I don’t know if I can handle it.. and as for strict, I’ve always been allowed to do what I want.. so yea, I’m terrified… but I need the help. Possibly long term but not a year long.. šŸ™ I dont know what to do!!!!! I need help but nothing has worked!
because like i said, nothing else has worked.

Need Help Regarding Drug Abuse?

Question by Angel: Need help regarding Drug abuse?
Hi guys I need help! my boyfriend seems to have a drug problem… he is telling me he wants to stop and is upset after he messes up, I know it always starts after he drinks he turns to that substance to sober up, now im not sure what to do I have tried my best I have threatened to leave him and he said he will only get worse… when ever I fight with him he blames it on that, seems like my only option is to not let it affect me but I cannot sit back and watch my boyfriend throw his life away, also I would be the first to send him off to rehab but with that come alot of complications in the family so that would be my last resort.. PLEASE I need advice

What Is Drug Rehab Like?

Question by irishfirefighter762: What is drug rehab like?
My to be x-wife is going for an intake interview at an inpatient rehab. What is rehab like? Will she be able to make phone calls? Dose it take long to find a bed? Do you usually go to a halfway house after? If you have any exspeances with this please let me know I just would like to know what she is headed in to.

Best answer:

Crackhead Sister in Law?

Question by skinny chick: crackhead sister in law?
My sister in law has smoked crack for 20 years. She just came out from another drug rehab after being there for 30 days. She has been in 10 programs. She wants to leave NYC and come stay with me in North Carolina to get herself together. What should I do

Best answer:

Answer by Keep it Green
Thats your sister in law….take care of her….

Say yes….

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Study Reveals Widening Racial Disparity in Breast Cancer Mortality in 35 U.S.

Study Reveals Widening Racial Disparity in Breast Cancer Mortality in 35 U.S.

Filed under: drug rehab centers in nc

Rather, we believe a more logical explanation for the disparity is that certain technological advances related to screening and treatment that became available in the 1990s ā€“ such as digital mammography, advances in surgery and new drugs for treatment …
Read more on PR Newswire (press release)


Handling Misbehavior with Less Stress – A Day of Love and Logic with Jedd

Filed under: drug rehab centers in nc

Is Jailing Drug Users Draining Much of Our Financial Resources for Nothing,Is It a Big Waste of Time and Money?

Question by CHECK MY PROFILEĀ®?: Is jailing drug users draining much of our financial resources for nothing,is it a big waste of time and money?


Newly-elected Georgia Governor Nathan Deal (R) announced Monday in his inaugural address that putting drug addicts and abusers in jail was placing an unsustainable financial and civic burden on his state.

Best answer:

Answer by Bdogg
I have to agree. I dislike seeing people put into jail for using drugs. Especially something like marijuana (which will be legal very soon). If a person does have a bad drug problem then they should be given help/rehab. Not put in jail..