Any Good Book About Triumph Over Alcohol Addiction?
Question by BFM4L: Any good book about triumph over alcohol addiction?
I have a very important family member that suffered from alcohol addiction when they were younger. Then that person went 20 years completely sober, and now recently that person has fallen back into their old ways. Are there any books you could recommend that focus around addiction (especially alcohol) and triumph over it and how they had the strength to overcome it? There was a former CNN anchor that was on CNN a few weeks back promoting her book which mentioned how she was able to get passed her alcohol addiction, but I unfortunately am unable to remember the title. Thanks for any help you can give.
How Can You Have Someone Committed to a Mental Institution?
Question by Haley J: How can you have someone committed to a mental institution?
My brother is 50 years old and a drug addict. He lives off my 67 year old mother. He has had heart attacks and strokes but continues to do drugs daily. How can I have him committed to a drug treatment center or better yet a mental health institution because he is mental and he has no control over his life or his addictions. I live in Ohio. Serious answers only please.
Best answer:
Answer by Mark
You need to find out about the mental health code in Ohio (I live in Michigan).
Do You Ever Completely Recover From Symptoms of Drug Addiction Even After You Quit?
Question by curliesue: do you ever completely recover from symptoms of drug addiction even after you quit?
daughter was heavy into drugs, weed, then cocaine, pills, not sure what else, she quit about 6 ;months ago. now she’s having attacks similar to withdrawal from cocaine. Does this ever completely go away?
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Find Drug Treatment Centers in Cleveland, Ohio?
Question by Linda L: find drug treatment centers in cleveland, ohio?
treatment centers, homeless shelters in cleveland ohio
Best answer:
Answer by Starman
Look in the phone directory…. I doubt that they have unlisted numbers.
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Toledo Drug Treatment Centers (567) 298-4928 – Drug Detox – (567) 298-4928 Serving the Greater Toledo, OH area. We provide superior care through our highly trained physicians and counselors. Admissions are by appointment-only after your initial confidential phone assessment. Drug Treatment Services • Drug Treatment • Drug Detox • Substance Abuse and Addiction Treatment • Educational Services • Recovery Meetings • Treatment Counseling • Family Therapy • Dual Diagnosis • Holistic Treatment Programs Toledo Drug Treatment Centers 3550 Executive Pkwy #247 Toledo, OH 43606 (567) 298-4928
What Are the Treatments in a Florida Drug Rehab?
Question by finny f: What are the treatments in a Florida drug rehab?
I have a friend who is suffering from drug addiction and she now wants to come clean. She had tried to talk to her parents about it, but she’s to scared to do so. She asked my help to find a drug rehab where she can get treatment. I have heard that Florida has the best drug rehabs. I would also like to find out what treatments are offered in a Florida drug rehab.
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100% Free Drug Rehab Center in Michigan.?
Question by katrinanjosh: 100% free drug rehab center in michigan.?
preferably close to lapeer or pontiac/ flint area. has to be 100% free if possible. my mom is extremely addicted to persription pills. and if its not her docs giving them to her its family friends. that will not listen to me when i say dont give them to her.someone please help asap
for the fact that she is endangering my daughter thats the problem with her addiction its pretty bad when she can not hold a conversation with u.
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