food and drug administration

If Guys Use Drugs Heavily, Do They Have a Chance for Birth Defects?

Question by R S: If guys use drugs heavily, do they have a chance for birth defects?
I’m getting very serious about a guy who I know in the past has had very heavy drug usage, cocaine, meth, acid, etc….and still on occasion uses them now. If I end up wanting to have a kid with him….does anyone know if drug use on his part could effect his sperm in any way to cause any birth defects?

Best answer:

When Was the First Appearance of Cancer?

Question by Metal Pooper: When was the first appearance of Cancer?
When was the first appearance of Cancer?

Year or whenever.

Best answer:

Answer by Dr. Frog The Chastiser
The first recorded case of cancer was in Egypt, 1500 BC.
Very specific symptoms were recorded in hieroglyphs (on papyrus)
Hippocrates later coined the name cancer because he thought the tumors were reminiscent of a crab.

What do you think? Answer below!



Drug & Alcohol Treatment Program | Hawaii Island Recovery – The drug & alcohol treatment program at Hawaii Island Recovery provides detox, residential treatment and sober living. Ca…

Can I Have a Hand Gun in My Truck in the State of Ga?

Question by annonymus: Can i have a hand gun in my truck in the state of ga?
i am 19 years old what will happen if i get caught with a hand gun in my truck in the state of ga and what will happen if i leave ga with it THANKS!
so even if im not 21 i can have it im my truck….. how old do i have to be to buy one

Best answer:

Did Rush Limbaugh Hire the ACLU to Bail Him Out of an Illegal Prescription Drugs Addiction Case?

Question by abcd: Did Rush Limbaugh hire the ACLU to bail him out of an Illegal Prescription Drugs Addiction Case?
Did Rush Limbaugh hire the ACLU to bail him out of an Illegal Prescription Drugs Addiction Case?

Best answer:

Answer by Ingrid
I would not put that past him.

What do you think? Answer below!



Prescription Drug Abuse Epidemic — Clarity Way Rehab – Prescription drug abuse has sharply increased over the past decade, producing many severe long term health consequences for addicted users. Many people don’t…


Is It Possible to Be Actually Addicted to Energy Drinks?

Question by ™juicebox !: is it possible to be actually addicted to energy drinks?
i don’t know, but i’ve been drinking energy drinks consistantly for about a year, and whenever i don’t have it, i get really sick- like massive head aches and vomiting. and when i don’t have energy drinks, i feel depressed, and when i do have it i feel ecstatic. is this the equivalent to a drug addiction ?

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Where Can I Find the Creed for the Department of Health and Human Services?

Question by tommmytee: Where can I find the creed for the Department of Health and Human Services?
I want to know what that department claims is their reason for existance.

Best answer:

Answer by Easy B Me II
THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES is the United States government’s principal agency for protecting the health of all Americans and providing essential human services, especially for those who are least able to help themselves.

THE DEPARTMENT INCLUDES MORE THAN 300 PROGRAMS, covering a wide spectrum of activities. Some highlights include: