high school

Question About Anxiety From Abuse?

Question by Taylor: Question about anxiety from abuse?
Well I told my primary care doctor about some problems I’ve been having lately and some of them are related to abuse, so he asked me have you ever been abused? and I said yes I have…. So I could not stop crying and he kept asking questions like when, how old were you, etc. People have no idea how sexual abuse affects someone especially if you can’t tell a soul. This is all new to me, I keep it inside until it builds me up into a self -distructed mess. So I’ve been prescribed anti-depressants which is great but I feel like it’s putting a bandaid on a bullet wound. I just need to let my feelings out because I internalize it all and he makes me comfortable to do so. He’s someone far enough to tell but close enough to trust but is it okay to tell him? because he is a doctor but not a psychologist. So I don’t know if he’s going to be too busy with his flu shots and old people anough to listen. I know what a stupid question but I’ve let him in and now know it makes me feel better. just want to feel better. Any thoughts?
I’m on Wellbutrin right now, just started taking it. But that’s not really my question. I just need to talk to him I don’t know why but he made me feel better with just talking about it for a minute. Would he find it bothersome for me to talk to him? just talk?
For the first time someone looked at me and knew something just wasn’t right and for that I will never forget him. I will talk to him since he is who I’m comfortable with now and he will most likely refer me to a specialist. He might not care as much as I think but it’s a risk I’m willing to take to feel better:) Thanks for the best advice I’ve gotten in awhile.

Statistics Say 1 Out of 3 People Do or Have Done Some Form of Illegal Drug. Whats Your Thought of That.?

Question by tuff*titty: statistics say 1 out of 3 people do or have done some form of illegal drug. whats your thought of that.?
they also say that 9 out of 10 people in the western world take some form of medicine or vitamin suppliment a huge jump from 50 years ago when it was 1 out of 10 people.

Best answer:

Answer by i3rucei3ruce
I don’t do illegal drugs, never have, and never will, but I do take medicine and vitamin supplements.

Add your own answer in the comments!


School board considering drug dog searches of high school parking lots

How to Overcome Prescription Drug Addiction?

Question by Ana: How to overcome prescription drug addiction?
I have been addicted to prescription pain pills for almost 2 years

Best answer:

Answer by katie
Suboxone is a miracle drug for opiate addictions! This is the good news…

Other drugs are tougher I hear, as is imagine that they taper you off…

I do think that if opiates are your issue, and Suboxone is in your budget, you should look into it…

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Long-Delayed Study of Marijuana for Traumatized Veterans Gets Federal Approval

Long-delayed study of marijuana for traumatized veterans gets federal approval

Filed under: drug abuse symptoms

The proposal from the University of Arizona was long ago cleared by the Food and Drug Administration, but researchers had been unable to purchase marijuana from the National Institute on Drug Abuse. The agency's Mississippi research farm is the only …
Read more on Vancouver Sun


Parents, teens attend documentary at LHS on prescription drug abuse

Filed under: drug abuse symptoms

What Does D.A.R.E?

Question by k-kay: what does D.A.R.E?
in D.A.R.E what deos th D stand for and all the other letters stand for???please answer ASAP!!!

Best answer:

Answer by *~Josy~*
drug abuse resistance education

What do you think? Answer below!



Henderson elementary DARE PROGRAM song


Richfield Council hears recommendations for town center

Filed under: drug abuse resistance education

Morgan also reported that Officer Mike Summers was beginning the 10-week DARE program for fifth-graders. ? Recreation Director Ruth Jocek encouraged Council members to round up their neighbors to participate in the Project Pride Community Cleanup …
Read more on Akron Leader Publications

Need Help? Baby Sister on Heroin?

Question by Tecumseh: Need help? Baby sister on Heroin?
My baby sister just called me and told me that she is on heroin, she says that she has people after her and that she can not quit the drug on her own without becoming terribly ill. I know she needs my help and i am willing to take her children into my home while she goes to a rehab center, the only problem there is she doesn’t have any money, but i think she has a medical card, so is there a rehab center that anyone knows of near kentucky, ohio or indiana that will take in someone with a medical card? I don’t now what to do and really need some kind of advice.
p.s. does anyone know if any rehabs take people with medical cards?
medical card is like medicaid or medicare, whichever one isn’t for elderly people, the welfare one. and i would never turn my back on her, the reason she came to me is because i have battled my own addictions and she knows that because of that the last thing i would do is judge her. I still see her as my freckle face 7 year old stalker and would turn my back on her about the same time hell froze over.