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I Need a Good Book About Drug Rehabilitation for Someone in Prison, (Preferably Christian Oriented)?

Question by Papa_Tilt: I need a good book about Drug Rehabilitation for someone in Prison, (preferably christian oriented)?
either self help/drug rehab or just an inspiring book that might make a person exzamine and understand the results of ones actions. Any idea would help!


Best answer:

Answer by DAR76
12 Steps

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Christian Treatment Center In CA – – What is a Christian addiction treatment center? How do these programs cater to Christians and addiction problems? At …


When Was the First Appearance of Cancer?

Question by Metal Pooper: When was the first appearance of Cancer?
When was the first appearance of Cancer?

Year or whenever.

Best answer:

Answer by Dr. Frog The Chastiser
The first recorded case of cancer was in Egypt, 1500 BC.
Very specific symptoms were recorded in hieroglyphs (on papyrus)
Hippocrates later coined the name cancer because he thought the tumors were reminiscent of a crab.

What do you think? Answer below!



Drug & Alcohol Treatment Program | Hawaii Island Recovery – The drug & alcohol treatment program at Hawaii Island Recovery provides detox, residential treatment and sober living. Ca…

What Are the Chances of 3 Young Children Being Adopted by a Good Family?

Question by Tracey: What are the chances of 3 young children being adopted by a good family?
2 twin boys (2 yrs old) and their sister (5 yrs old) need a good home and family. They are Caucasian and have no physical or mental disabilities. Their parents are having their rights terminated to the children, by the state of Michigan, due to drug abuse and neglect. The children have been in foster care, but I’m not sure how long they have been there.

What Is the Origin of the AIDS Virus?

Question by Coffey: What is the origin of the AIDS virus?

Best answer:

Answer by badotisthecat

Give your answer to this question below!


Doc about Dock Ellis to premiere at 2014 Sundance festival

Filed under: addiction help kansas city

It will screen in Park City, Utah, in January. He claimed to … This is the same category that embraced “Blood Brother,” the documentary about Rocky Braat who moved to India to help children with HIV and AIDS. It won two … Dock Ellis, who infamously …
Read more on Pittsburgh Post Gazette (blog)

Has Anyone Have an Idea Where Either Pres. Candidate Stands on Marijuana Legalization?

Question by 95Batman: Has anyone have an idea where either Pres. candidate stands on marijuana legalization?
The VPs are an area of interest obviously. Does anyone know of any voting or legislation by any of these four politicians? Also, what is your personal take on marijuana law reform (should it ever be legalized, will it ever be legalized and when do you think the laws could change)?
I noticed there are a lot of imbeciles replying that it’s not an issue. Any issue is relevant if citizens are concerned about them. Please just don’t respond if your comment is of the “not an issue” variety. Thank you.

Where Can I Find a Consultant to Help Me to Get Certified for Alcohol & Drug Treatment Center in Ca?

Question by USImporter: Where can i find a consultant to help me to get certified for Alcohol & Drug Treatment Center in Ca?
I am planing to start outpatient AOD Treatment Center and I need some experianced consultant who can guide me from start up.

Best answer:

Answer by packinrat
You don’t need a consultant.

The state will require the place be run by an experienced certified treatment professional. If you have that, you have your consultant.

They will not accept the credentials of a part time or temporary consultant sorry.