Why Do People Want to Elect Obama for a Second Term?
Question by Accelleratrix: Why do people want to elect Obama for a second term?
Whether conservative or liberal, why does anybody want to reelect him when he has broken virtually all the promises he made except to pass a healthcare bill which could bankrupt the country, has added trillions to the national debt, enacted multiple attacks on civil liberties, and done essentially nothing to improve the economy. (today, the economic growth for the year was adjusted from a measly 1.7% to just 1.3%)
Best answer:
Answer by rayal
Because the alternative is many times worse.
What do you think? Answer below!
Why Are People So Quick to Criticize Mitt Romney Because of His Wealth but Not Obama’s?
Question by Garrett Perez: Why are people so quick to criticize Mitt Romney because of his wealth but not Obama’s?
Cause Obama is rich and there are a lot of rich democrts out there like John Kerry and Hollywood actors or singers. This is straight up hypocrisy. So Romney is rich, it’s because he is a successful business man. At least he didn’t steal people’s money. Democrats are so quick to judge Mitt Romney and rich republicans but not rich democrats. Obama is rich to why aren’t people criticizing him? Why judge him at something he is successful at?
How Often Do You See Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome?
Question by Olga: How often do you see Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome?
I’ve been working as a Psychiatric RN for a number of years now and I have never seen a single case of NMS.
How often do we still see NMS in current times?
Best answer:
Answer by rb43081
It is certainly believed that the risk/incidence of NMS (and all acute extrapyramidal syndromes) should be decreasing with the increased use of newer drugs. On the other hand, ALL drugs are being used more often, perhaps for longer periods of time and possibly, in patients of greater risk (older, for example).
What Are the Best Home Remedies for Heroin Detox?
Question by RJP: What are the best home remedies for heroin detox?
Best answer:
Answer by bocoo_man
Straight jacket and Snickers candy bars.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Bioactive Caffeine vs. Man-made Caffeine – Herbalist and health researcher Djehuty Ma’at-Ra elucidates the difference between bioactive caffeine (ie Green Tea, Yerba Mate, Guarana, Kola Nut) and man-made/processed caffeine (featured in soda pop, aspirin, chocolate, coffee, etc.). For the best in all natural herbal remedies, visit www.dhealthstore.com or call 888.823.9416.
Coalition Working Hard to Curtail Substance Abuse
COLUMN: Free Joshua Glover, Vote Yes on 3
COLUMN: Free Joshua Glover, vote yes on 3
Filed under: Massachusetts Drug Abuse
Nowhere in this document titled the U.S. Constitution is there justification for a federal war on drugs, and there is detailed language in the 10th Amendment expressly limiting the powers of the federal government, stating, "The powers not delegated to …
Read more on Wicked Local
Youth Risk Survey Results Unveiled; Advice Recommended
Filed under: Massachusetts Drug Abuse
I Have a Half Brother I Wasn’t Raised With Who Is Selling Drugs Living in Two Houses?
Question by DancingStar: I have a half brother I wasn’t raised with who is selling drugs living in two houses?
He is on welfare and we don’t speak because he abuses his two sons vigorously, he doesn’t pay taxes and his wife had her father killed for life insurance this is a real and legit question I need some advice on what to do I don’t think it is fair that he can do these types of things and live freely without repercussion. He had a felony record in Massachusetts and fled and now is doing the same thing in Virginia. My mother is sick and he wants to get a life insurance policy on her. I live upstate and honestly he scares me, I don’t want to get too close to him and then he finds out it was me that reported him I rather live up here.What do I do now?