Anyone From a MASSACHUSETTS Suburb or Rural Area Please Answer….?
Question by djay-mak: Anyone from a MASSACHUSETTS suburb or rural area please answer….?
Please answer all questions truthfully this is an anonymous and confidential survey for a research study being conducted for an Intro to Sociology course.
U.S. House of Representative Barney Frank Says We Should Decriminalize Marijuana. Do U Agree?
Question by marnefirstinfantry: U.S. House of representative Barney Frank says we should decriminalize Marijuana. Do u agree?
Ease Pot Restrictions, Lawmakers UrgeCNNposted: 1 HOUR 38 MINUTES AGOcomments: 1185PrintSharefiled under: Law News, National NewsText SizeAAA(July 30) – The U.S. should stop arresting responsible marijuana users, Rep. Barney Frank said Wednesday, announcing a proposal to end federal penalties for Americans carrying fewer than 100 grams, almost a quarter-pound, of the substance.
Current laws targeting marijuana users place undue burdens on law enforcement resources, punish ill Americans whose doctors have prescribed the substance and unfairly affect African-Americans, said Frank, flanked by legislators and representatives from advocacy groups.
Child Custody Question?
Question by : Child custody question?
first off, i live in massachusetts. i have a son with my ex, when we split up we agreed on a plan where id have him a few nights a week and she’d have him others. so i work 50 hours a week and shes on unemployment and she complains any time she has to watch him while im at work. she threatens to take me to court to get full custody then never makes good on her threats. im getting sick of it and have been thinking about just taking her to court and get something done. shes pregnant with her second kid (from someone else of course) while she doesnt have the means to take care of the first one and they current guy shes with abuses drugs and alcohol doesnt work a real job and has their apartment littered with bongs, pipes and other things like that. all things considered, what would the outcome probably be if i took her to court over custody?
Can Any One Help Me Please?
Question by : Can any one help me please?
I live in Framingham, Massachusetts, I recently lost my job, I have no criminal record, and no drug or alcohol abuse issues. I just need a couch to crash on for a few weeks so that I’m not out in the cold. I’m reaching out to any one who would be generous to help me. I’ve tried shelters and government assistance. But I’ve been told that because I’m not a drug addict or a felon, or a mother with children, that I am not as important as other homeless people and I was denied. I’ve tried churches, the salvation army, and everything. Please I’m begging any one that can help me, do so. As to how I have internet, I did not sell my lap top because I’m trying to get a job every day I can. So please no condescending responses or comments. I’m truly reaching out for any help that is possible.
Does Anyone Have Any Information About Drug Testing Infants in Massachusetts?
Question by cleverlychaotic: Does anyone have any information about drug testing infants in Massachusetts?
My daughter is not a drug user but during her pregnancy she experienced extreme nausea and tried everything her doctors had told her to do with no results. She was vomiting 5 or more times a day and she was miserable. A friend of hers suggested that she try should smoking marijuana because her grandmother used it while she had cancer and it was the only thing that helped. Like I said she was miserable and she tried it and it did in fact work. As soon as her nausea subsided she stopped doing it (stopped about 29 weeks and she did it for about a month daily) Now she is afraid that it will still be in her child’s system when the child is born. She is a very good mother to 2 other children and had never done any type of drugs prior to this. She has also made her doctor aware of what she has done because she wanted to know if cps would get involved when the baby was born. He stated that cps has “much bigger fish to fry” and told her not to worry about it, but I am not convinced that she will be clear from any trouble. Does anyone know the policies in MA regarding infant drug testing or if the baby will be born with the drug in his system as she has not done it since. How can I be sure to help her avoid cps involvement?
She also had no apatite whatsoever and was not gaining any weight during her pregnancy until she began smoking. She was petrified that the fact that she had been vomiting so much and unable to eat would cause harm to the babies development. She had been hospitalized several times for dehydration from throwing up. After she began her use, the nausea disappeared and she was able to eat normally again and she began gaining weight like she was supposed to. She didn’t smoke to get a quick high, but to function normally. I don’t condone her decision but I can’t help but recognize the fact that it did help….
She also had no apatite whatsoever and was not gaining any weight during her pregnancy until she began smoking. She was petrified that the fact that she had been vomiting so much and unable to eat would cause harm to the babies development. She had been hospitalized several times for dehydration from throwing up. After she began her use, the nausea disappeared and she was able to eat normally again and she began gaining weight like she was supposed to. She didn’t smoke to get a quick high, but to function normally. I don’t condone her decision but I can’t help but recognize the fact that it did help….
What Are the Students Like at Clark University in General?
Question by : What are the students like at Clark University in general?
im talking about the one in Massachusetts so just wondering what are the guys like girls how do they interact? whats the drug use like? community around. just in general
Best answer:
Answer by PE2008
Clark University is a school to avoid for reasons other than the behavior of students:
Clark University get an “F” rating (utter fail) from ACTA for the school’s total lack of commitment to comprehensive general education. Students can drift around Clark four years yet learn nothing of lasting significance.