mental illness

What to Do With a Sister Addicted to Pain Medication Leaving Out of Town?

Question by Diane: What to do with a sister addicted to pain medication leaving out of town?
My one sister just got married and is having her wedding reception down in Ohio and we are up in Michigan. My other sister wants to go and nobody wants to take her due to the fact that she causes drama on road trips and also at family functions on pain medication. This has been ongoing for about 8-10 years and I don’t know if I should check her baggage completely or just leave her here. The drama is already starting. She says that she’s not going to do it, and then she does. What do I do?

Prescription Drug Abuse on the Rise

Prescription drug abuse on the rise

Filed under: drug abuse help

Owen, who took on the position of drug diversion agent last fall, spends his days investigating prescription pill abuse, overdose deaths and illegal street sales. He also … Padgett said the agency attempts to help educate parents and answer questions …
Read more on Gaston Gazette


National policy on drug abuse soon; will help fight addiction

Filed under: drug abuse help

Police Advice on Suicides

Police Advice On Suicides

Filed under: drug abuse help hotline

Risk factors include mental illness, substance abuse, previous suicide attempts, family history of suicide, history of being sexually abused, and impulsive or aggressive tendencies. … please do not hesitate to contact the police at '919' or Crime …
Read more on Bahamas Tribune


James Deen Will Talk Sex With Dr. Drew on 'Loveline'

Filed under: drug abuse help hotline

How to Report Yahoo Group That Is Just an Advertising Page?

Question by cyclingsister: How to report yahoo group that is just an advertising page?
How would one report a yahoo group whose homepage is nothing but an online drugstore ad that no matter where you click links to that online drug store? This has to be against the rules. Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by crazy_mom2_one
group guidelines
6) You may not use Yahoo! Groups for commercial or advertising purposes.

abuse form

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Sulu hosts seminar on barangay anti-drug clearing operations for police chiefs

Psychiatric Ward and Self Injury Treatment Center?

Question by Jess: Psychiatric ward and self injury treatment center?
First off, this is going to be a bit long.
I’m fourteen.
I have ADHD (If that matters.)
In March 2011, I started self injuring myself with my fingernails.
In April it turned into using a pocketknife.
I cut as deep as I could with the blade, but it wasn’t very sharp. I still made every cut bleed though.
I cut on my wrists, my legs, and on my stomach.
I wore sweatshirts and never wore a bikini or something that would show my cuts.
In early July I told my mom that I cut and she told me to stop or she would send me to the hospital. I promised her I would, but later that day I cut again. And the next day. And I kept cutting all the way up to last night without telling her. But last night I broke down and told my brother everything.
I also have constant mood swings that have nothing to do with menstrual cycles, because I have POS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) so I do not often get periods. In these mood swings, I go directly from overly happy, straight to rage, and then to depressed. Repeat. My brother had a theory that this might be bipolar, and my manic phase could be taken in the form of my self injuring. I told my mom that night too. My brother also suggested Rehab, or a self injury treatment center.
Before the treatment center, I would probably have to wait a few days in the Psychiatric Ward until I can be sent to a center. I was wondering if I should go to Rehab, or the treatment center. I could also wait for my mom to find me a therapist, but honestly I don’t believe a therapist will help me.
I’m addicted to cutting and it makes all my pain go away, but I believe if I receive the help I need, I could stop. So I was wondering:
Should I go to Rehab or a self injury treatment center?
If the treatment center, what is the psych ward like?
Do they let you have outdoor breaks?
What do you do while there?
All knowledge about the psych ward would be appreciated.
What is a Self Injury Treatment Center usually like?
Do you get to go outside?
What do you do while there?
Are there other people your age?
Do you have internet access?
Do you have phone access?
Is there always one in your state? Or do I have to be shipped off somewhere? If so, how would that work?
How long do you stay for?
Any knowledge about a self injury treatment center would be greatly appreciated.
I apologize for the bulk of this question, but I truly believe I need help and that I can stop with the help of professionals. Without help though, I will never stop.

Are There Places Where They Give Group Tours of the Facilities Dealing With Drug Rehab in Dallas, Tx?

Question by Daniela M: Are there places where they give group tours of the facilities dealing with drug rehab in Dallas, Tx?
I am in a group dealing with psychology and we want to take some tours of places such as drug rehab facility or another facility of that sort and possibly get to talk with the patients. .ie sex rehab, eating disorders, mental illness, etc. Any help would be great.

Best answer: