mental illness

I Would Like to Find Addiction Treatment Centers in Apple Valley, California. How?

Question by anya iw: I would like to find addiction treatment centers in Apple Valley, California. How?
I would really like to become an addiction counselor someday. I have lost a lot of people in my life to alcohol or drug addiction and it really hurt me so. This is what made me realize that I would like to help a lot of addicts get their life back. This way, I would also be saving their loved ones from a lot of pain. I want to find addiction treatment centers so that I may be able to know what are the things I must do so that I will be qualified to become a counselor.

How Do I Start a Persuasive Speech on Drug Addiction and Abuse?

Question by Taryn: How do i start a persuasive speech on drug addiction and abuse?
I am writing a persuasive speech on drug addiction and abuse for a writing class and I can’t figure out a good way to start the speech off. Please help. Thanks.

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Do You Ever Completely Recover From Symptoms of Drug Addiction Even After You Quit?

Question by curliesue: do you ever completely recover from symptoms of drug addiction even after you quit?
daughter was heavy into drugs, weed, then cocaine, pills, not sure what else, she quit about 6 ;months ago. now she’s having attacks similar to withdrawal from cocaine. Does this ever completely go away?

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Group Therapy/support Groups in Hagerstown, MD?

Question by Rebecca P: Group therapy/support groups in Hagerstown, MD?
I live in Hagerstown, Maryland, and am looking for any support group or group therapy available in Hagerstown or nearby… not Frederick because I don’t drive, though. I am looking for a group in any or all of the following areas:

-Trauma/PTSD/Abuse Survivor
-General mental illness

I’m not interested in AA, NA, OA, or NAMI because I’ve been to NAMI and OA and didn’t like them particularly. I don’t abuse alcohol or drugs so they aren’t suitable… any ideas? Places? Resources? I looked in the yellow pages and with various mental health agencies and am not having much luck. It’s so frustrating since Hagerstown is quite small… help, please?

Britney Spears Snapped and Became a Drug Addict After Justin Timberlake

Britney Spears snapped and became a drug addict after Justin Timberlake

Filed under: drug addiction symptoms

… off on a downward spiral that reached a low point in 2007 and 2008, when she had many meltdowns, including an intervention staged by her family, at least one stint in rehab for drug addiction, and an involuntary hospitalization for psychiatric …


Anti-drug abuse councils pushed

Filed under: drug addiction symptoms

I Am a 26 Homeless Man. I Am in Gaudenzia Drug Treatment Center in Baltimore, MD. and I’m in Need of Housing.?

Question by mcobbs82: I am a 26 homeless man. I am in Gaudenzia Drug Treatment Center in Baltimore, MD. and I’m in need of housing.?

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Answer by Hereward the Wake
u on ur wifi laptop then?

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An Addiction Treatment Center for Baltimore Residents – When you need an addiction treatment center, Baltimore residents, turn to us. We have 4 beautiful residential centers with all the comforts you need to recover. We believe in a holistic approach to and drug treatment. Baltimore- we specialize in dual diagnosis treatment also, for those with both substance abuse and mental illness problems. Find out more in this video!