mental illness

Any Substance Abuse Treatment Centers for People With Ketamine Addiction in Callicoon, New York?

Question by anahy i: Any substance abuse treatment centers for people with ketamine addiction in Callicoon, New York?
I would like to know more about ketamine and its effects upon those who are addicted to it. I figured my best bet would be to look for patients in substance abuse treatment centers and ask them about their experience with the drug.

Best answer:

Answer by adamaris ns
Finding substance abuse treatment centers won’t take you too much time. Just the links below will get to help you out in your search. You can also get recommendations from doctors and healthcare providers. The problem here, though, is that treatment centers are usually very stringent about the privacy of their patients. You will probably have to settle with interviewing the therapists and counselors. Nevertheless, good luck!

Advice for Children of Parents With Multiple Personality Disorder?

Question by Megbee: Advice for children of parents with Multiple Personality Disorder?
My mother has been diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder, DID, (aka: multiple personality disorder). She has been out of the picture for a while. At first I thought her issues were due to her drinking and prescription drug abuse, but come to learn later from her sister (my aunt), that she is institutionalized and has had a proper diagnosis of DID.

My Turn: Mental Illness Is Treatable, and Treatment Works

My turn: Mental illness is treatable, and treatment works

Filed under: Substance Abuse Treatment

According to Carpeneti, in order to reduce recidivism and keep communities safe, we need to address underlying problems and support the state's efforts to increase and expand substance abuse and mental health treatment in prisons and improve access to …
Read more on Juneau Empire


Agreement reached on prescription drug reform package

Filed under: Substance Abuse Treatment

ALBANY – An agreement on a comprehensive prescription drug reform package that will make New York State a national leader in curbing prescription drug abuse was announced Tuesday by Governor Andrew Cuomo, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, …

Freshman in High School, I Want to Be a Psychologist?

Question by : Freshman in high school, I want to be a psychologist?
So I just started my freshman year at a vocational school in Massachusetts. I really really really want to be a psychologist when I grow up. So the first step to achieving my goal would be to pick the right shop for my high school career. But I don’t know what one to chose. My school does offer a psychology class as an elective, but I can’t take it until senior year. The actual shops that I’m considering the most so far are
Health Occupations, because it focuses on general medical. but I don’t know how relevant it would be to psychology. But it would be good background at least, right?
Child Education, because I would be working with actual people, learning how they learn. but that shop focuses on children up to only 7 years old. I want to work with teens and young adults, issues like drug addiction, you know, all the juicy stuff. (lol)

Media Report Says Thousands of Airline Pilots in USA Have Been Treated for Mental Illness. Is Flying Safe?

Question by Cultural Insight: Media report says thousands of airline pilots in USA have been treated for mental illness. Is flying safe?
Thousands of commercial and private U.S. pilots have been diagnosed and treated for a broad array of serious psychiatric and medical conditions, including schizophrenia, attempted suicide, sexual deviance, alcoholism and drug abuse according to the Boston Herald.

Best answer:

Answer by Geroge S
Don´´t listen to the media!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Oil Can's drug abuse startling

Filed under: Drug Abuse Boston