new jersey

New York City What Are My Options for Emergency Housing as a Female?

Question by : new york city what are my options for emergency housing as a female?
I am a recoving alcoholic and need to find sober living housing for women. any ideas??

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If Marijuana Were Legal, Would Rehab Embrace It Like They Do Cigarettes?

Question by harryh: If marijuana were legal, would rehab embrace it like they do cigarettes?
I have a former relative in a drug rehab facility. When he went in, he was not a cigarette smoker. From what I hear, he has now taken up smoking, and the facility is discouraging him from trying to give it up. With tobacco, being the number one killer among drugs, I find this extremely counter-productive and just another one of rehabs hypocrisies. So if marijuana were to be legalized, would such a facility embrace this too? How is this not hypocrisy.
Sage… Your off topic and missing the point of the question. But…. just I so get this straight, are you actually suggesting that nicotine (a drug that kills 5.4 million people worldwide per year) is a safer drug than Tetrahydrocannabinol (a drug which there has never been one confirmed death) ? Your not really serious are you? If so, what’s your last name Benson or Hedges?
midnight. He was an in-law. There was a divorce. Therefore -former family member.

Can My Boyfriend Pass His 72 Hour Drug Test Tuesday Morning if He Drank Saturday Night?

Question by Zora: Can my boyfriend pass his 72 hour drug test tuesday morning if he drank Saturday night?
My boyfriend is in a drug treatment program, drug court. He has to take a 72 hour drug test tomorrow morning (tuesday) and he drank Saturday night. He did not do any drugs, he just drank. My question is, can he pass it if he drinks shit loads of water and cranberry juice?? Does this 72 hour drug test thing even detect alcohol? Or is it just drugs that it detects?

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How Much Do Prisons, on Average in the USA, Spend on Psychiatric Treatment and Medication for Inmate?

Question by PurpleHaze: How much do prisons, on average in the USA, spend on psychiatric treatment and medication for inmate?
I’m doing a research paper on this and I’m having trouble finding these statistics.

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Answer by Max Hoopla
You would have to find it on a state to state basis. The need is higher than the population in general because the type of people who become prison inmates abuse their bodies with high drug, alcohol and tobacco use combined with general neglect. On average they have a life expectancy about five years less than normal people.

Question About Social Work Degree and Sociology?

Question by Tiff: Question about Social Work Degree and Sociology?
What you would say is the difference between a bachelors in Social work and a Bachelors in Sociology with a concretion in social work? When looking for a job, what type of places would look at me for both of these different kinds of degrees?
What type of places do social workers work in?

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Vehicle Flips on Route 31, Driver Charged With Driving Under the Influence

Vehicle flips on Route 31, driver charged with driving under the influence

Filed under: drug treatment centers in massachusetts

Clinton first aid and rescue squad transported Cook to Hunterdon Medical Center for further treatment and assessment of his injuries. Witnesses described Cook's vehicle as operating erratically and tailgating prior to losing control, hydroplaning and …
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CU Researchers Find Cure For Type 1 Diabetes In Mice

Filed under: drug treatment centers in massachusetts