How Am I Going to Find Substance Abuse Treatment Centers in Pennsville, New Jersey?
Question by camilla a: How am I going to find substance abuse treatment centers in Pennsville, New Jersey?
I’ve decided to do a research on various cases of prescription drug abuse. This is for a special project on a class of mine. I would like to talk to some patients who are afflicted with this kind of disorder, or the doctors who are dealing with patients suffering from prescription drug abuse.
Best answer:
Answer by allie ce
Substance abuse treatment centers can be really stringent regarding the privacy of their patients so I think you’re going to have a hard time convincing the authorities to let you talk to them. I think you can interview the doctors, therapists, and counselors, though.
I Have a Gambling Addiction and I Lied to My Friends and girlfriend.What Do I Do?
Question by Jacob: I have a gambling addiction and I lied to my friends and girlfriend.What do I do?
I have a gambling addiction and I spent my girlfriends money and all my money ($ 2100.00). I told her I lost the money because someone robbed me. I just confessed to her and my friends and now she hates me. We have been together for 2 years and I have helped her raise her child since she was born. What do I do?
Best answer:
Answer by Ab
Get help.
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What Would Be the Verdict for Possession of Two Oxycodones?
Question by : what would be the verdict for possession of two oxycodones?
i live in NJ and I’m just curious about the outcome; anyone know what will be the outcome if its my first offense??
Now is there anyway of being scott free if I have a lawyer?
Best answer:
Answer by Randy & Lori
The verdict is the decision in your case by what you have said it would be guilty. As for the outcome of being guilty of possession of a controlled substance (only 2) It would most likely be probation and a drug evaluation (to see if rehab is in order)…………R
What Happens if a 6 or 7 Year Old Watches Something Like Pornography?
Question by JBD: What happens if a 6 or 7 year old watches something like pornography?
How does it affect them psychologically? Or if they watched a horror movie full of murders and blood and gore.
Would the effects be long-term??
And no I don’t have kids nor plan on doing this, haha, I’d just like to know.
Best answer:
Answer by Douche Bag
For one thing, they start humping their pillow.
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Support Groups and Community Services That Can Help for Drugs?
Question by remo_M: support groups and community services that can help for drugs?
What are the support groups and communty services that can help for substance use and abuse
other than kids help line
Best answer:
Answer by Ed
Gosh, there are hundreds of different support groups.
WHO SEEKS the help for themselves (the abuser, a son/daughter, a parent, or a friend, an adult son/daughter still living with bad memories and ways of thinking from growing up with a drug abuser in the same family, or ?)?
Is THE DRUG ABUSER a kid, an adult, a father/mother, a physician, nurse, or ?
Do you know WHAT TYPE OF DRUG is the person abusing? Marijuana, Cocaine, Pills, or ?
Such info would be key to checking on the availability of a local support group helpline.
How Will Drug Treatment in New Jersey Be Affected if Across the Board Budget …
How will Drug Treatment in New Jersey be affected if across the board Budget …
Filed under: drug treatment programs in california
A Fortune 100 company found that its average annual medical costs for employees with substance abuse problems dropped from $ 2,068 to $ 165 after the employees began substance abuse treatment programs. With treatment. client's use of their primary drug …
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Kennedy Calling For Equal Coverage Of Mental Health — Yes, Still
Filed under: drug treatment programs in california