Im 24 Years Old and Live in Nj Where Can I Find Anger Management Classes?
Question by underoathprophet: Im 24 years old and live in nj where can i find anger management classes?
Best answer:
Answer by Timo
Holy crap, lazy ass. Open a phone book, or Google. Hell maybe even Stupid angry person.
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Alcohol Rehab Programs in Camden NJ | Call 800-839-1682 For Questions – Alcohol Rehab Programs in Camden NJ – Call 800-839-1682 For Questions If you want to end your suffering from being addicted to alcohol, ask some professional…
Lindsay Lohan feels 'whole' again
How Would You Defend the Death Penalty or Do You Think Its Indefensible? Explain.?
Question by soybeansauce06: How would you defend the death penalty or do you think its indefensible? Explain.?
In his dissent in Gregg v. Georgia, Justice Brennan argues against the death penalty, calling it “official murder.” What is the basis for his conclusion? How would Kant respond to Brennan’s argument?
***I have to write a 3-5 page essay and use my terms and language in “Ethics form” because I did it in my own words and bombed my first essay…. HELP ME OUT!!!!
Best answer:
Will the ACLU Investigate the State Workers in Ohio?
Question by Charzb: Will the ACLU investigate the state workers in Ohio?
This is from the ACLU website:
Your right to privacy – freedom from unwarranted government intrusion into your personal and private affairs.
Will they look into this? Or do they only help Liberals and terrorists?
Best answer:
Answer by rickinnocal
The ACLU does not generally “investigate” anything.
What they do is provide legal assistance to people who’ve filed suit alleging violations of their rights. If someone believes that State workers in Ohio infringed their Constitutional rights, they can sue, and they can ask the ACLU to assist them.
How Many People Know What ADAP Is and How This Programs Works?
Question by Traveler: How many people know what ADAP is and how this programs works?
When Bill Clinton wanted the gay vote, he promised to fund the Ryan White AIDS Foundation 100% using tax money. He kept this promise, but with rules added, calling this federally funded AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP). Originally Ryan White Foundation financially helped anyone diagnosed with AIDS, regardless of where they live in America.
Bill Clinton’s ADAP program limited medical care and drugs, under article II, to women, children, men under 24, who have dependant children or are married. Also, house hold income must be not more than 200% of the national poverty level. Article 27 requires a treating facility to be an special AIDS clinic or unit, and to be eligible for reimbursement a territory must have 20,000 HIV infected residents. This means anyone diagnosed with HIV/AIDS in a territory that does not meet the 20,000 standard, must move to a territory that is eligible for ADAP reimbursement (this monoplolizes treatment funding for clinic in NY, NJ, PA, Ca and Fla.)
Since Hillary claims to be a healthcare expert, I assume she was incharge of this when her husband was in office. My concern is that she is that she made those who need this assistance the most ineligible- and may do this for other diseases. Also that her plan will give states their own diseases, like each has it’s own state bird.
People unaffected by AIDS do not seem to know that annually $ 790 billion tax dollars is spent on AIDS, yet many of our own people infected cannot access healthcare, and those that do, often must wait 6 month’s to a year to be seen, and in rural communities, dental care is non-existent. Why cann’t someone remain in their home state, with their friends and family, and get early treated?
Epilepsy / Cerebrial Palsy?
Question by brianlr2000: epilepsy / cerebrial palsy?
i have a daughter with these diseasess i have been all through nj and philadelphia hospitals or childrens hospitals.they have not been able to control her seizures. can anyone give any ideas of where to go to get more opinions. foundations,childrens hospitals,etc,etc..
Best answer:
Answer by Granny
Buffalo, NY has a fabulous Childrens Hospital. You may need a referal from her Pediatrican.
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Since the First Great Depression the State of NJ Has Had an Equal Amount of Dems and Repubs as Governors And?
Question by Grettle: Since the First Great Depression the State of NJ has had an equal amount of Dems and Repubs as Governors and?
they lead the nation in:
N.J. leads nation in municipal bond downgrades
N.J. commuters lead nation in time in car, report says
New Jersey Leads Nation in C-Section Deliveries
New Jersey continues to lead nation in property taxes
New Jersey leads nation in drug-incarceration rate
New Jersey leads nation in political double-dipping
N.J. leads nation in farmland loss