new york

Will My Doctor Drug Test Me?

Question by Psycho: Will my doctor drug test me?
I’ve been suffering from anxiety and depression since I was 5 years old, off and on. I’m 18 now. They are both back now, worst than ever. I just recently started smoking weed for my chronic migraines, anxiety and depression. If I go to the doctor for it will be drug test me? If so, what kind?

Best answer:

Answer by Kidd
Yes.i have ADD and I have to take concerta.i get drug tested every 3 months.full blown drug test.ive only failed once and that was for alcohol.they test for EVERYTHING.but I’m not sure if thats only something they do in Illinois or if they do it everywhere

PARENTS and drUg ABUse…?

Question by mZZ. sExII mOmmA: PARENTS and drUg ABUse…?
im doing a report on parents and drug abuse, do you know where i can get a video or documentry on this topic? If so do you know the title??? Thanks a Bunch!

Best answer:

Answer by Juleette
its all over the news kids with parents who do meth or sell it raise themselves go to your local news I guarentee they have one

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Amphetamine Abuse (Strange Symptom)?

Question by lancee813: Amphetamine Abuse (strange symptom)?
I know someone (60 yrs. old) who was abusing dexadrine and then adderall for over a year, during this time I noticed that they were constantly humming this short tune, over and over and over again, all the time. This humming began around the time the abuse began. He was combining the amphetamines with Vicodin , Effexor, and Seroquel. He has supposedly been clean of the amphetamines for the last month yet the humming continues. Could this possibly be a sign of brain damage from the drug abuse? Also, why did the drug induce this constant humming in the first place? Thanks for any help..

NY State Divorce…Should I Get a Lawyer?

Question by katykat0171: NY State Divorce…Should I get a lawyer?
My husband for 6 1/2 years wants a divorce because I relapsed on drugs 2 months ago. I went to treatment and am now back in NY with over 60 days clean and will continue to not use drugs.
I have not worked most of our relationship and stayed home being a housewife and going to college throughout the years which I haven’t completed because my husband makes too much money for me to get financial aid.
In the begining we dated and I found out his visa was about to expire and I wanted to keep him in my life so I married him. At first my parents helped us with money until he completed college with financial aid and got a good paying job, 3 years later.Meanwhile, I got into drugs (crack, alcohol, marjiuana) and was in and out of rehabs until march 2006 I had two years clean until march 2008.
My husband and I are best friends and still live together and want to end things as comfortable as possible but we definately want a divorce within this year. Should I get a lawyer,Alimony?

What Treatment Center?

Question by jadehope: What treatment center?
hi I’m a 19 year old female who has been secretly suffering from anorexia and bulimia for about 4 years. I have decided it’s time to tell my parents and receive treatment but I don’t know which treatment center is right for me. I know a lot of treatment centers also deal with other mental illnesses like bipolar disorder among others and also addiction to drugs and alcohol. however I do not abuse or even use drugs or alcohol and the only mental illness I have is anorexia and bulimia. I want to make sure im picking the right treatment center for me. does anyone have any suggestions? by the way I live in new York so anything in that area would be more convient, but I’m not opposed to going out of state. and I’m also looking for an inpatient program.

Is Wellness Housing at College for People That Are “Straight Edge” or for People That Have Had Addictions?

Question by : Is wellness housing at college for people that are “straight edge” or for people that have had addictions?
I have had an addiction and an eating disorder so I think I want to live in Boston University’s “wellness house”. I don’t want to be around people that are like, total nerds and are like, “OMG drinking and drugs are so bad!!!” I just want to be around people who have been through the same stuff as me and can understand how hard it is to stay sober. I want a supportive community, you know?

Best answer: