Question About Pain Doctors and Drug Screens?
Question by why n: question about pain doctors and drug screens?
i recently had to start seeing a neurologist/pain specialist as my doctor believes i am going to have long term pain problems from several wrecks i have been in in the past this new Dr. asked me what and how much pain meds worked i told him i was doing fine on 1 -o.c. 40 mg. morning and 1 in the evening but as it was my first visit w/ him he only started me out on 3 -10mg. oc`s a day i have been on different pain medications for over 10 yrs for several neck back and head injuries and had to take pain meds for way more than long enough to build a tolerance and physical dependance to the meds not from abusing just from the length of time i have been on them needless to say when he gave me less than half what i took for the last several years i ran out early because it wasn`t enough and i had to take extras here and there in the middle of the night and when i ended up working all nighters on my feet so when i didn`t have enough to make it to my visit i asked another person i know to have had some severe injuries and pain problems they gave me something called . dolephine told me take one 10mg.for morn and one 10mg. one for nights said would last 12 hrs just looked it up and it`s another name for methadone AND i ended up getting a random urine test when i went to my NEW drs. office for an EMG and NCV tests i didn`t see him and didnt ask to pick up meds they said they do them random so when it comes back pos. for methadone what will he do ?stop seeing me ,cut off pain meds or what? because i mostly actually just want the awesome testing facilities they have too hopefully find out everything wrong with me i don`t mind if he makes me do more drug tests or cuts off the tiny amount of meds but i went without sleep 4 nights in pain plus kinda sick from being long term on meds then suddenly without but was told @ my first visit NOT to call in early wanting more meds so I could either pay a 200 dollar copay for an ER visit which we have the one of the worst in the state knowing that they would have done NOTHING for any problems i had plus i would be there a minimum of 12 to 16 hrs to see a Dr. all of 15 minutes and him say you need to see your regular physician or i could go ask a friend that i knew had many similar injuries and pain problems but a different Dr.if they had anything that would get me by for the 5 days b4 my emg/ncv tests which was yesterday which was also when they popped the drug screen and now that i found out doliphine is just another brand name for methadone and i had taken 1 @ 5 am that morn and 1 b4 i went in @4 pm for the emgand ncv as they hurt a bit on their own plus my neck and back now i have my follow up coming up and am scared! I have NEVER diverted or misused or overused my meds till this time when had to take extra even though it actually was only extra above his Rx but not extra when considering i had been taking over double what he had given me for years under my Dr.that is what made me run out when in the middle of the night i would be awakened by pain and be half sick every minute of every day all because he basically for no reason other than i was new to his office cut my meds by more than half from 40 morn and 40 night to 10 morn 10 lunch and 10 @ dinner from a total of 80 mg a day to 30 a day any pain patient knows what that would do after being on the same dose for years so are their any pain patients and/or nurses or doctors that might have any info on what he might do i have been told since it was my 1st drug screen i`ll just get a talking to but actually it was his actions that led to the whole thing not too mention i was led to believe drug screens were @ Dr. visits not mri`s emg`s ncv`s and phys therapy appts. i only had taken them for 4 days leading up to my visit as i was getting a new Rx then which was yesterday without seeing the Dr. about whether it was helping or not so again i am having to try and make about 40% of the dose i have taken the last several years last a whole month so i am not only dealing with the pain but physical withdrawal sickness GOD WHY CAN`T WE JUST HAVE A STAR TREK DEVICE BY NOW THAT JUST FIXES YOU !!! I H-A-T-E BEING STIGMATIZED FOR BEING IN PAIN AND MISTREATED LIKE AN ADDICT OR SOMETHING SIMPLY BECAUSE I WAS HIT BY AN 18 WHEELER WHEN I WAS 12 YRS OLD AND WRECKED AS A MOTORCYCLE RACER @ 145 MPH WHEN I SEMI PRO RACED WHICH ENDED THAT CAREER NOW I HAVE 2 COLLEGE DEGREES AND ASSIST RUNNING ONE OF THE LARGEST UTILITY CO. IN MY STATE I AM ON CALL 24-7 365DAYS A YEAR TOO so i can`t say no my back hurts too much or i don`t feel good when my beeper goes off at 2 am i have to be able to get up and go in the last year my parents have passed away my wife cheated and stole me blind and ruined my credit b4 leaving w/ another man AND i was in another car wreck and also fell down 2 flights of stairs while trying to push a fridge up them which reinjured my back and neck starting the whole Dr. drama WHICH I AM NOW IN god and doctors wonder why some pe
and it`s people like you that due to obstenece and hard headed and hard heartedness cause untold suffering and suicides every year you went into medicine for money obviously not for helping stop undue suffering David B 1 can only hope that you my freind suffer the things i have blown up with an i.e.d. in iraq protecting your rights and oil for your expensive car David ran over and dragged 50 yards @ 12 yrs old WITH my mother both were in sicu and icu for 6 weeks in hospital for 3 mos. i died on the operating table my mother sleg and face were ripped off among many other injuries my foot detached head crushed neck broken liver ripped spleen ruptured right hand nearly completely severed been shot 14 time by a machine gun in iraq and have had MUCH smarter Dr.s than you say by the time i was 30 i would hurt more than most 70 yr olds well i`m 40 and fed up with self rightousness like yours you have NO IDEA WHAT REAL PAIN AND SUFFERING IS read chapt 7 matthew david B4 you judge painpatients
&of course david B sure that children with aids and children with cancer or like “I” was children with appaling horrifying injuries who go on to still join the US Marines grit their teeth for YEARS bearing pain that would probably make you wet your pampered self and @ 40 after losing my parents my wife leaving me because 3 yrs ago i did just what you said i stopped all meds cold turkey and after 2 and a half years of living off minimum wage they don`t pay much to cripples these days dave and being broke spending half my 30`s either in bed or on a couch contemplating suicide because i could barelysleep for the pain let alone walk i went back to a Dr. who said addicts steal2get pain meds they slurr their speech and nod off ,theyconstantly need more chasing that high&that i have NEVER exhibited any of that & that i just had a BAD Dr. like i PRESUME you to be since u PRESUME me to be an addict judge not lest ye be judged dave ol` bud i hope you get testicular cancer bud no painmeds4Uright
Resolved: The Abuse of Illegal Drugs Ought to Be Treated as a Matter of Public Health, Not of Criminal Justice?
Question by alder: Resolved: The abuse of illegal drugs ought to be treated as a matter of public health, not of criminal justice?
Resolved: The abuse of illegal drugs ought to be treated as a matter of public health, not of criminal justice.
Best answer:
Answer by Citicop
That is a statement with a question mark at the end.
I disagree with that statement.
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A Poet Mines Memories of Drug Addiction
Filed under: free drug abuse help
What Is the Best Pediatric Headache Clinic in the United States?
Question by OMEtwilight: What is the best pediatric headache clinic in the United States?
I have suffered severe migraines/headaches/TMJ since I was in elementary school, and I am currently 16 where they are just getting worse. I am seeing a neurologist and he said that my only hope is to see a headache specialist since he has done all he can for me (I have been on every type of medicine under the sun, I promise). I don’t mind the distance (I am from South Carolina), I just want the best headache specialist that can either diagnose me, treat me, or see if other illnesses I have are related.
The Miami Children’s Hospital has come up a lot, is it worth it or are there better ones in Minnesota (Mayo Clinic) or New York/Boston?
Medicine I have taken is Maxalt-MLT and the pill version, Topomax and all its cousins, Barbiturates (with Codeine and Tylenol and whatever else), LoPressor and everything related to it, Advil, Tylenol, Aleve, every sinus medicine, Imitrex, all over the counter caffeine pills, glucose tablets, etc
I have taken so much medicine over the years that I have forgotten all that I have taken (especially those that my doctor gave as mini trials that never worked)
What Is Drug of Abuse?
Question by franzel: what is drug of abuse?
Best answer:
Answer by deogee
Drug abuse is taking any medication, prescriptions or non presciption drugs , or illegal drugs more than prescibed by your Doctor. Or just plain doing illegal drugs period. Taking more of anything in excess…..
Add your own answer in the comments!
Teen Prescription Drug Abuse On the Rise –
New exhibit explores science behind drug use
Filed under: drug abuse
Please Help Abuse of Prescription Drugs!?
Question by Nicole Bagdasarian: please help abuse of prescription drugs!?
a very close friend of mine takes ambiens not to sleep and i think shes addicted i would love to help her , she feels really bad for taking them but still does and she tells me always ”i feel like god is gonna give me paybacks for what im doing”
Best answer:
Answer by RWPossum
Her doctor could advise her about this problem.
You can tell her about alternatives. This is from the Mayo Clinic article on insomnia.
Have You Heard of Organized Stalking or Cause Stalking?
Question by Terry Cloth: Have you heard of organized stalking or cause stalking?
It’s a recently documented phenomena, that is commonly used as a form of reprisal for whistleblowers or to terrorize people in minority groups, outspoken community members, ex spouses, etc.
It is exactly as frightening as it sounds. Groups of people stalking and harassing a single individual in a community, so pervasively that the targeted individual is driven to commit suicide, be institutionalized, and/or incarcerated.
Can you believe this is happening?
What could one person do to stop this?
Best answer: