Is the Floridas Exfelon Population Growing to Much?Read This Shocking Report!!?
Question by Destin F: Is the Floridas exfelon population growing to much?Read this shocking report!!?
Florida Exfelons and Restoration of Civil Rights. Feb. 3, 2008
Will the Federal Government Probably Pick This Case Up?
Question by hopefull or hopeless…?: Will the Federal Government probably pick this case up?
A felon drug offender that has been to 2 prison treatment programs and got out on probation and was in the possession of 6 stolen fire arms. He was not in the possession of drugs and guns at the same time. Just has prior drug felonies. How hard up is the Federal Government for cases? Educated statements please.
Best answer:
Answer by Obamavenger
Sounds like a case for the locals.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Is John McCains Wife a Drug Addict? Is She Going to Be Using in the White House?
Question by Ronald D: Is John McCains wife a drug addict? Is she going to be using in the white house?
CINDY McCAIN–Wife of Sen. John McCain (R-AZ): In 1995, Cindy McCain admitted to stealing Percocet® and Vicodin® from the American Voluntary Medical Team, which provides humanitarian aid to Third World countries. The two narcotic painkillers are Schedule II drugs, in the same category as cocaine and opium. Sen. McCain is the chairman of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee. Cindy McCain became addicted to the drugs after undergoing back surgery. However, instead of prosecution, the senator’s wife was allowed to enter a pretrial diversion program. An editorial writer in the Arizona Republic noted: “Conservatives seemed to achieve some sort of drug-rehab epiphany when Ms. McCain made her announcement. Newspapers that often used words such as drug addict and thug as describing the same person suddenly had a new sensitivity to the problem” (Doug MacEachern, “Painkillers Took Over Her Life,” SAN JOSE MERCURY NEWS, August 23, 1995, p. 8A; James Bovard, “Prison Sentences of the Politically Connected,” PLAYBOY, April 1997, p. 46).
Sen. John McCain–SR-241, Washington, DC 20510, Tel: (202) 224-2235, Fax: (202) 228-2862, E-mail:
Why Have Governments Around the World Allowed the Illegal Trade of Illicit Drugs to Spiral Out of Control?
Question by Seraphim: Why have governments around the world allowed the illegal trade of illicit drugs to spiral out of control?
What is the appeal with taking drugs, like heroin, ecstasy and cannabis knowing the harm that they cause? As far as I know, kids are taking a plant food product, called Miaow. Why?
Best answer:
Answer by ?
It’s not about ‘allowing’ it, the drugs war is fundamentally unwinnable, as was alcohol prohibition
All it does is gives criminal gangs large amounts of power and money
Where Do Canadian First Nations People Stand Today?
Question by Lisa: Where do Canadian First Nations people stand today?
Today First Nations People must deal with numerous problems. These problems include and are of course not restricted to alcoholism, drug abuse, family violence, poor nutrition and limited education. Through a historical prospective, how exactly all of these issues project until now? Or at leats until 2011.
Best answer:
Answer by Ismael Serrano
What do you think? Answer below!
Drug Court: Breaking the bonds of abuse
Filed under: drug abuse help for families
What Is the Canadian Government Doing to Prevent Drug Use?
Question by Ken: What is the Canadian government doing to prevent drug use?
Well, yeah, the title is self explanatory. I just want to know what the goernment is doing to stop drugs.
Best answer:
Answer by KC V
With approximately 1,000,000 drug users in Canada, including some 250,000 cocaine addicts and 40,000 heroin addicts, The Government of Canada’s (GOC) drug control strategy emphasizes drug abuse prevention and treatment. The law enforcement component emphasizes action against organized crime. Canadian law enforcement officials cooperate closely with their U.S. counterparts on narcotics investigations and interdiction efforts.