rehab facility

Am I Eligable on an Idividual Health Insurance Policy if I Was Declined by Golen Rule?

Question by Renee: Am i eligable on an Idividual Health Insurance Policy if I was declined by Golen Rule?
The reason stated was due to excessive marijuana and alcohol use. March, 2007, I admitted myself to a Drug and Alcohol Rehab facility. I admitted to using alcohol and marijuana. I am clean and sober today. I have no other health issues. I am a 51 year old female. I’ve and 5 feet 3 inches tall and weigh 115 pounds. I get regular physical and do not have anything wrong with me. When will I be eligible under an individual health insurance plan?

Why Would a Drug Rehab Center Put a 16 Year Old Boy on Antidepressants and Antipsychotics Without?

Question by .: Why would a drug rehab center put a 16 year old boy on antidepressants and antipsychotics without?
diagnosing him with depression or any mental disorder, such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder? They are administering these drugs to him for aggressiveness and behavioral problems. Since when have antipsychotics been used in adolescents for aggressive behavior? Is this ethical? Is this the 21st century version of electroshock therapy and lobotomy? Why is a drug rehab facility taking someone off of street drugs and putting him on pharmaceutical drugs?

Best answer:

Answer by Jay
maybe their trying to ween him off the other drugs.

What Are the Medications Being Used for Addiction Treatment?

Question by darian f: What are the medications being used for addiction treatment?
I have an acquaintance who does heroin and have just started going to an addiction treatment program. I was surprised to know that they are being made to take medication. What is this for and what are the usual drugs that are used for addiction treatments.

Best answer:

Playstation Leads OKC Police to Kiddie Porn Suspect

Playstation Leads OKC Police To Kiddie Porn Suspect

Filed under: drug rehab treatment

"We've all been through rehab, or treatment, or probation parole, or community sentencing, or drug court," said Gary Wilson, who manages the Sober Living property. Wilson says all tenants are in the transitional housing program, "Sober Living," a …
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Pike looks to put rehab facility in HOJ

Filed under: drug rehab treatment

Are There Places Where They Give Group Tours of the Facilities Dealing With Drug Rehab in Dallas, Tx?

Question by Daniela M: Are there places where they give group tours of the facilities dealing with drug rehab in Dallas, Tx?
I am in a group dealing with psychology and we want to take some tours of places such as drug rehab facility or another facility of that sort and possibly get to talk with the patients. .ie sex rehab, eating disorders, mental illness, etc. Any help would be great.

Best answer:

I’m in Visalia, California. Are There Drug Rehabs Here That Wouldn’t Mind Being Part of a Documentary?

Question by astrid r: I’m in Visalia, California. Are there drug rehabs here that wouldn’t mind being part of a documentary?
I’m planning to do a documentary on rehabilitation centers. I was just wondering whether there are any drug rehabs around here that’ll allow me to shoot and interview some of the staff and the patients as well.

Best answer:

Answer by ren_faire_rose
You should contact rehab centers directly; I doubt many of the staff / management spend a lot of time in this area.